Chapter 25

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  "I expected you would change the terms so I am willing to cooperate, but may I know your name?" Danny said while walking towards the man.

He watched her and said, "I am Edward Hansen. It is only respectful that you tell me your names".

"I am Daniella and this is Lizbeth," Danny said while trying to sound like they were actually cooperating.

"Ah. Danny and Liz. What innocent names. Come along and we can continue with the plan. Don't think about running away cause the fun is about to begin. Boys, bring the earl along with us" Edward said while casually walking towards the two girls.

They meet him halfway and he said, "Let's get this show on the road! Time for the downfall of the earl!". The two girls stared at each other and when Edward was looking away, they each took out a guard and hid them, pretending nothing happened when Edward looked back around.

They continued walking and Liz asked, "So where are we going?".

"We are going to the town square of course," Edward said cheerfully while he turned his head to look at her.

Liz tilted her head and asked, "Why there? Wouldn't people suspect that you did it to the earl? Also wouldn't the police come and get you if they saw you with a bloody earl?".

"You are absolutely right. That is why you two are going to take him out and I will call you two out as offenders and the attacker of the earl. His own maids! How interesting!" he said with excitement.

"Glad to help," Danny said casually.

Edward seemed to take back and asked, "Wait. Really? Don't you care about the earl?".

"I am only here on a job. As long as he stays alive, I don't care what happens to him," Danny lied coldly.

"Wow! That cold attitude! I love it! How would you like to work for me after this? I would love to have someone like you around" Edward asked while looking directly in her eyes.

"That sounds better than what I have to do already," Danny lied once again.

"Great! Your friend will take him out and you can stay with me! Go say goodbye to your little friend and meet me at the door," he said while walking to the door.

Danny walked up to Liz and quietly said, "This is perfect. You take the earl to the police and tell them your name and if that is not enough, tell them you were sent there by the leader of the Alexander family".

"What about you?" Liz asked while carrying Chester in her arms.

Danny replied, "I will get rid of Edward once he thinks I am fully on his side. If I am not back at Chester's mansion by nightfall, then I want you to call the government".

"I am trusting you on this and that means you are not allowed to die on us," Liz ordered.

"Promise. By Liz," Danny said while hugging her the best she could.

"Bye Danny," Liz said while hugging Danny with one arm.

Danny met Edward at the door who leads them out into a large limo, forcing Danny to sit in his lap. 'I am going to make this man pay for doing this to me. I hope he enjoys pain. I am not his lover so he needs to stop this. Why are all our enemies so perverted?' Danny thought when he put his arm around her.

The passed a warehouse that was completely destroyed and Danny said, "That poor building. That must have suffered millions in damages".

"Yes quite. I had my shipments go there and it is a great loss" Edward said leaning his head on her back on Danny.

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