chapter 1

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"No one can stop me from getting what I desire to get"!" no one means no one than how that little Chit will stop me"? huh...

(Spoke the breathless warrior, swinging his sword to block the attack of another Warrior. With whom he was having his Sword practice. That to in the open area, which was surround by Soldier, Who were clad in black dress and Red Colour turban on head . In-fact They all were well-armed, standing in An Rock way listening and watching everything. But dare to react even a bit . As a soldier they come across many unpleasant sight . Many cruel punishment and deadly worse war to , but seeing their two Prince having weaponry practice is another unpleasant and equally Intriguing scene to watch. when one is Emperor itself and another the commander of Army is Quite Intriguing and unpleasant as well. No matter what both brothers can die for each other . But when it come Weaponry practice or other play they are just a competitor and give each other the taste of hell in there own way . Again same thing was happening while discussing about some political news they were giving each other tough time).

"Well even a fierce unbeaten warrior get to taste defeat once in his life"! ..."no matter what", you shouldn't underestimate your opponent little brother"!...

(Spoke the elder prince kicking tightly on the left leg of Younger prince and Pushing him away making him fell back on ground and about to attack on him with sword by front but get blocked by little prince sword again and kick him back boldly on his tummy by his leg making the elder prince fell retreat on his step unbalanced way , surprising the elder prince by his sword moves The younger Prince got up Panting and spoke Putting his sword on Elder Prince neck which was Blocked by Elder prince In Cross manner).

"Well said but neither I underestimate my opponent"!... nor I give importance to them"! about getting defeated then maybe I will be defeated one day"!... but I can bet I will never be defeated by a mere chit who is known as Princess... you have my word...

(Laughing a bit at his little brother over confidence The elder prince just smirk inwardly and spoke calmly in low tone walking back to the Few Attended who were waiting for both of them with Towel and water to get rid of their Sweaty bodies).

Trust me Little brother women are hell more stronger than Men ... if you ever got defeated by Girl then your heart will be blame for your Defeat...

(Giving his sword to his attended He get take a bit water in his hand and Splashed on his face to get rid of Sweats which were formed on his face because of Two hours Tough Practice. Relishing cold water touch on his face and getting more pleased when a slight breeze of air make it's contact with his wet face he spoke after a minute In attitude)

We will see Brother ...but for now tell me, what will be our plan for Rajput's...

(Wiping his face with towel and walking back towards Palace with younger Prince The elder Prince become bit thoughtful and spoke calmly after few minutes killing the Silence which engulfed between both Brothers).

We will discuss about our Strategy in Court little bro ...till then let's have a meeting with our Little Sister...

(Sighing in displeasure after listening there usual task , of meeting there one and only younger sister. The younger prince cursed inwardly to himself ,for not leaving the side of his elder brother Sooner after getting done with Sword Practice . But he dare said anything verbally which may voice out his Opinion. But whom he was fooling his elder brother was well aware of his younger brother inner thoughts but said nothing as well).

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