chapter 8

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"Oh my daughter"! "I Cannot express and thank the lord for sending you back here safely"! 

(Spoke the Queen Mother kissing on Jodha forehead. And hugging her by side, being grand empress she always control on her emotion. but this time she couldn't help and got to express the motherly affection , before entire Amer people , it's not like they mind either but again this is not How Royals behave before their Subject. It took two days for everyone to get back to fort. After completing all the formalities as border however Jodha had isolated herself to one temporary build tent).

"Feeling are mutual Queen Mother"!..I am so glad to make it alive here"! Even knowing I am better as dead for people here"! ...

(She said nothing then this line , she was silent at entire ride from borders to palace. the one thing she had done was to dismiss the Soldiers, who were going to Guard her now. Mainavati winch at her daughter words, how she got cold hearted , to say such a thing before her mother. But then she understood her daughter's, reason behind saying such a thing).

"I got to make it back here"! alive from the clutches of devils"! i need none of you"!  for my protection"! I am way better off on my own"!... 

(The way she had spoken when she dismiss the Guard , made  clear Joe bitter she got against them, Everyone looked down nervously , hearing her words no doubt she is disappointed at everyone. how none of them try to get her released , what they thought her as a mere little girl with no use if she die either. She is Princess who consider as the pride of State, but maybe she is pride for them till she stay under the limit. crossing the boundaries and getting at the hand of enemies, made her commoner whose life pride mean nothing. all could understand the hidden meaning behind her Words). 

"I think it's time you take rest"!...

(Spoke Avantika not wishing the, Queen mother to endure more cold heart words by Jodha, whereas Jodha looked at her sister,  after listening her words,  but said nothing , just nodded her head and walked away with her maids).

"She seems to be changed Avantika"!...

"She's ought to be change after suffering alone"! Our delay of getting her released didn't broke her sprit"! It's pushed her to think we Abandonment her"!

(Spoke the Queen Mother, but listening Avntika words she cannot help get teary eyed,  looking at the retreating form of Jodha. she was bit worried for her more then she was when Jodha got abducted . Avantika knew she need lone time with her sister, to get her fine with the upcoming terms of marriage . which she had agreed to do just for Jodha sake, but she know her sister well enough, She would rather die than marry Prince Ranvijay. sighing a bit she to dismiss everyone and started walking towards Jodha room). 

"I want to know what exactly happen"! when you both were under his custody"!..

(Spoke Avantika , walking towards Jodha room to Vishaka. who was walking besides her, the girl was loyal to Jodha to much to reveal the lone night time, she wasn't with Jodha but very proud to reveal the pain. Jodha caused to Jalal and his people, so she started telling Avantika everything).



"Brother I know what I did"! cause so much trouble"! But even you know honestly it wasn't intentional"!...

(Spoke Jalal Looking at Nasir , who was standing near the window looking out at sky. by his slumped shoulder and deep sigh, Jalal knew he had disappointed his brother greatly . To add the frustration his little sharp tongue sister , was present in the Chamber to instigate Nasir against Jalal more. but this time she wasn't doing anything just giving him sympathetic, look which he despise more).

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