Chapter 26

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Agra fort 

"What you mean by he isn't here"?

(Ask Mirza in enraged voice from the guards who are Jalal security officer and charge of protecting him. They all spoke back boring there head down in ashamed tone) 

"Forgive us my lord we don't know his majesty"! dismissed us  didn't come back to his room and "!...

"Bullshit you people are paid to protect him"! And here you're not aware about his whereabouts making excuses huh"! If something happens to him who will be responsible"? Just recently in noon there was assassination attempt on him and you foolish people"! 

(Fisting his hand yelling at the guards Mirza was so near to have them behead, but he was stopped by Abdul words he wasn't sure but he didn't wanted Mirza to act recklessly. Thus he said in firm tone trying to calm him down).

"Calm down Mirza"! We cannot let the news of his absence leak"! Let's go it's time we sent out man to find him"!

(Mirza nodded at him understanding it's not right time to show anger ,but it's time to act whereas Zaheer agree to Abdul words and spoke while moving out with them).

"Yes better hurry up we cannot waste our time in taking our anger blaming each would lead us nowhere"! 

(Listening they wasted no time and started walking out of palace. To find Jalal they were sure if they failed then ,They won't be able to see him again ever after what they heard about Sultan Altmish plan of getting him killed pathetically. Praying inwardly for his well being they decided to get in disguise to search him).

Agra Market  

"Argh you don't need to show your weaponry skill on me at every chance you get"!

"I warned you beforehand"! do not touch me"! Than how dare you"!

" I held your hand for security purpose look over there"! 

(Jalal hissed at her in change voice so that she don't get even the whip of doubt about his identity. It was true watching one man holding dagger sharing a look with other man watching over them he got alert and thinking they're after him and her he held her hand in case they needed to run off obliviously didn't wanted to take risk on getting both of their identity reveal before others or let the attackers harm any of his subject. But he just held her hand when she attacked on his by dagger which she kept with herself for protection. Jodha look where he gesture her to and found two man sharing a look at each other and they had dagger with themselves. But they eventually turn out to be mere thief hiding from soldiers).

"Whatever might be reason don't touch me"!

You're saying as if I am dying to touch you"?

"It might be true Who knows"? Anyway that's true or not "! "one thing is true you won't be left alive if you dare to touch me again"!

(Jalal glare at her hearing her words but he knew better, he will really die at moment if he touched her again. Cause she don't know it's her husband with her but then he said nothing and they continue walking. When at little walk Jodha spoke softly in firm low tone).

"I I think we're being followed"!

(Listening this Jalal bend down on his one knee pretending to be fixing his shoe but the real purpose was to find out whatever she thought it's true or not. And realising it's true few people seem to buying and checking one or other things from nearby stall but they're watching them all the while time to time But than getting up).

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