Chapter 14

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Amer => west outskirt area

"Why they're not making any move "?

(What's going on in enemies mind today , it's been more then week no attack happen by Mughal side so the stretegy they plan for war get to imply but the enemies weren't prepared for it thus they were pushed back in defeat. Even though the leaders were still alive Amer won the battle. Alas they can't celbrate victory yet cause the enemies nor surrender neither they left the borders. Infact two week had been passed but they didn't attack back no movement had been shown by their side. Taking advantage of no attack the west part skillfully and it was no longer the most weakest spot anyway. Yet Amer Army didn't left from border areas they're still patrolling there each morning they will stand on war field but none will come for attack. Having them fear the worse annoy as hell in their view enemies move and no move at all is worrisome. Cause even being before you they're not taking step to defeat you then either they planning worse and trying to rebuild courage and get stronger or they're trying to figure out some wicked way to defeat you. And if they made move then it's troublesome anyway).

"Something big going to happen I can feel it alas I can't pin point what's that can be "! 

(The only thing running in her mind war stretegy to win the war and whenever she will get so distracted she will read book about brave warriors prefer to die then live on knees.  Jodha doesn't fear for her life cause in her view death is invitable universal truth, why to fear the thing which is invitable anyway. being worshipper of Lord Krishna she followed the phrase of Bhagwat Geeta, it was mention there the Moksha Saints achieve by years of performing yog Sadhna, warriors achieve just by fighting in war.  If we give up fighting for our mother land our sacrifice will praised by world for years and years cause it's say ( "अहिंसा परमो धर्म: l "धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l )  non-violence is the ultimate Dharma , so too is violence in service of Dharma).

"To much just to live in peace "! 

(Reading about one of the most fearless lady warrior Ram Pyari Gurjar born in Chauhan Gurjar who forced Amir Timur (Timur Lang) who arrived in India at time of namesake ruler (Nasiruddin Tughlak) ,to abnondon his Indian campaign mid way and run away for his dear life. In the book it was mention driven by the solidatry aim to establish the supremacy Islam in India permanently to make get it under one rule one religion one way. It was clear by the fact when he invaded Delhi he intentionally spared the area where muslim were in majority and specially targeted Sanatani population. Countless people fell to the swords of the barbaric invaders and countless others were enslaved by Timur and his barbaric force. When the news reach the jat region then the chief of jat region  Devapala organised a maha panchayat immediately which included everyone the purpose of such organisations was simple to unite and make Timur get the taste of hell for sin he was committing without any hesitation. Thus the force of 80000 assemble together a reserve force of 40000 was created in which only women and this was the force commanded by Ram Pyari Gurjar , while the chief force commanded by Mahabali Jograj Singh Gurjar while his loyal Nobel commander was Harveer Singh Gulia , according to consentrated plan 500 horse riders were instructed to follow Timur and his force and spy on them to get an indication of his plans and future attack. Ram Pyari Gurjar took oath to defeat him even if it's cost her life. She trained the 40000 thoushands women assisted by Hardai Jaat , Devi Kaur Rajput Chandro Brahman and Ram Tyagi. The women were from every community many who never even seen the face of weapon or took them in hands yet under Her are not only they saw and pick up but they trained as skilled warrior. Cause it was matter of their mother land matter of Thier dignity their freedom they couldn't let it sacrifice without fight no matter what may come. And then come the day of War 1,20,000 warrior waited for leader for war cry by their beloved general Mahabali Jograj Singh Gurjar).

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