Chapter 9

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(Like normal says, in Special court of Amer, Avantika was listening her adviser, ministers suggestions on, water Crisis. Faced by Amer people, when a servant step in the court with bow head, she glance up at him. And gesture him to speak).

"Greeting's your grace"!"Your highness a messenger has arrived here"! By  Mughal Emperor Abul Shah Nasir Ud Din Mohammad"! With his message for you"! With your permission shall we let him in"! 

(Avantika nodded the Servant bow and walked out of the court, within next few minutes , he stepped in with Mughal messenger, who greet Avantika by Salam).

"Greetings your highness"! With your permission"! I will like to read out the message"! Sent with me with responsibility by"! Crown of the Mughal's"! Lord of his subjects! Hire of of Timur! Jewel of Babar! Son of Humayu! Merciful protector! Renowned in the Universe! The Emperor of Hindustan! Abul  Shah Nasir Ud-Din Mohammed"! His majesty"! 

"Heartily Greeting's from

       Mughal Emperor 

Abul Shah Nasir Ud-Din Mohammed

       To Queen of Amer 

          Avantika Bai"!

"accept my heartfelt gratitude", to your kindness and wisdom"! For maintaining the peace with us even ", After whatever conspire between Amer and Mughal Empire"! I must admit not only Amer but We Mughal are facing spot on"! Our reputation as well"! Hence we can relate to each other circumstance very well"! Hence a proper meeting I wish to have with you"! To discuss about our decision which is sole intrest of our subject welfare"! I will be great-fully pleased it you grant my wish to meet me"! I wish to correct the wrong happen it's possible only when you agree to it"!
                                                "Well wisher"
                                               "friend of Amer"!

(The Queen Wonder about the message for while, then nodded her head in the response ,She will more likely to have him welcome. In Amer to discuss, about whatever happen as like him even she won't wish. To have her people on war-field. Hence the proposal of meeting accepted with all heart. The men without delay send a cavalier , with her message to Mughal Emperor).


(Bairam khan , Adhgha Khan and Shahbaz Khan , were sitting on opposite couch, with Nasir in meeting room. Discussing about Afghan increasing involvememt in Rajputana, When the servant stepped in, looking at Nasir he bow and spoke).

"Parson me for disturbing your majesty"! A messenger from Amer "! has arrived with the reply of your message"!

"Let him in"!

(Spoke Nasir the servant nodded, then walked out to let the messenger in, within minutes the messenger stepped in. Nasir motion him to read out the message, after realising she accepted to welcome him in Amer, to talk about whatever happen between them. He smiled and dismissed the messenger. But his adviser had other thoughts about entire situation. Hence Bairam Khan spoke in firm tone).

"Your Majesty I suggest you"! rethink about your decision"! to be there at Amer"! when the situation is very critical"! They may even try to avenge the insult"! Their princess face cause of us"! 

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