Chapter 40

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"I know I needn't to"! Still"!.. it's not easy"!..

(Replied Jodha back, Jalal didn't said anything just gave a curt nod in Understanding, ofcourse it's not easy, even if he doesn't then to there's lot of expectations they have of their own from other, which they cannot expressed always but wished other could understand on own. Which is indeed hard, now to Jalal want's her not to gave up on her own wish, but small part of heart he wish she does for the sake of Dowgar Empress position his mother hold).

"Pardon me your Majesty"!..

"You won't be pardoned"! for same mistake twice"!..I dare you interrupt my time with Empress"! 

(Yelled Jalal in thunderous voice, making the Servant to fall back on ground, by the unexpected yelling  whenever the servants, are ask to convey the message to Emperor or Empress, at the time when they're already busy with others, then surely the Guarantee of their life being spared are Lesser  now to it wasn't new thing, but till now they didn't endure Threat from Emperor Jalal till now. Jodha look at Jalal with confusion, how come his mood switch from calm to Tremendous one"? But again she cannot blame him, whenever they're together often one other would disturb them, However she didn't like the angry Jalal much, so she raise her hand and held his right palm, making him tilted his head back to her, by the touch, his hardened gaze softened up, a smile made it's way on his face).

"I will take your leave"!.. will meet you at Celebration"!.. 

(Saying this Jalal got up, then leaning forward he planted a kiss on her forehead then walked out of her room. Leaving a thoughtful Jodha behind, who stared at the dress given to her as present by, Hamida then at the anklet she held in her hand. Gifted by Jalal, a women sacrifice more than she possess, for men she love"!. "but men"? They don't even sacrifice thing they possess for women they claim to love. Henceforth the sight of women on feet of men doesn't astonished anyone. But the sight of men's Bow head before women, create hovoc for everyone. Not because it's inappropriate. But because it's not you could see often, but Jodha did saw many time and experienced the thrill of such moment as well. How just how these things can woo heart like nothing"? she raised her foot up then clasp the anklet around her ankle. Leaning back on couch she moved her foot up and down, evoking the sound from anklet. Not getting enough of it she got up from couch , held her Ghaghra a little then started twirling around. Loving the way anklet made sound, whenever she moved, soon enough the little twirling of joy turned into dance, her hands released the Ghaghra and started moving on own accord. The sound of anklet clap sound of hands, she was lost in her own world, knowing, no one is watching her she needs not to be watchful of her actions).  

"हम्म मम हम मम "झन झन झनक झन झन बाजे पायल"!.

"छेड़े मन के तार, बजे ह्रदय में प्रेम ताल, 

"झन झन झनक झन बाजे पायल"!.

(Singing few of lines she moved on the beats of her anklet sound, all in the reception hall, twirling around, with her hands raised up, she collides with Jalal, her hand was on his chest, while head slowly rise up panting she blushed at the sight then tilt her head sideways , Jalal who come back to take his dagger, which he forget on the table before leaving, was left spellbound by the sight of dancing Jodha, she looked so carefree so joyous, when he first time saw her dancing it was of another level mixed of lots of emotion. But this one, was fill with joy only, he didn't realize when he started walking near her, he happen to come in present by her touch, then got mesemrized by her reaction to his presence more like realization he watched her dancing, he watched her proceedings to move away, only her back turned to him, when he held her wrist).

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