chapter 16

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Agra Fort 

(Unlike other royal household Agra was diffrent in one way here no care no respect even if we do good it have to be beneficial or else forget it. Rukaiya who was Jalal cousin was engaged with him when she was at age 9 and he 11 alas the way things change for empire he get no time nor the elders to make a ceremony of marriage thus it's stretch far and far for to long. When he was oriented as Emperor he made no delay in fulfilling his father and Uncle last wish and with presence of His Aunt Queen Gulbadan and Mother Queen Hamida he married her. She didn't love him like she should as women but she was more like trained to Love him as wife from the time she was engaged to him. None ask consent when it's happen she wasn't much aware of what this relation mean. But with time she understood the depth alas more then womanly desire materialistic thing and power of throne intrigued her. And being cousin come first wife chief Queen Incharge of Royal household of Agra she was to busy to pay much heed to Jalal action of naryying other thus one of main reason she didn't object when he married Salima got many women as his mistress cause it was invitable and expected from him being emperor).

Your highness you don't seem bother about his majesty marrying Hindu"! I heard a new palace is build for her and before His majesty arrival it will be ready for use"!

(Like in Rajput royal household the royal lades princess have female soldier to protect  and maid"s to tend their need in Mughal Household the queen and Princess have one third gender people for security and spy even tend to need with group of maid they're more likely to be head of maid group so being Queen Rukaiya had one head Third gender named Hoshiyar Khan one of her trustworthy attender ask her in firm tone preparing Wine for her while she was playing chess with Queen Salima. While the building of new place was no big deal either as one of main Royal legally wedded wife Salima Rukaiya herself had diffrent palace Quarter which solely belong to them so it was build for Jodha as well but after her condition being accepted it was designed as her culture it was half ready while half is yet to get done).

As Emperor he's ought to make alliance with other states ", even marriage one what's in that to be bother about"?

(Listening this Queen Salima took the glass of wine from maid present there and took a sip. Queen Salima was window of Bairam Khan and had son Name Rahim who is just mere 5 year old. Even she was Jalal cousin and was married to Bairam at late emperor wish. But when he died Jalal married her to provide her security but get support of Bairam Khan follower. Witty by brain kind by heart. Unlike Rukaiya she was more into literature and gun shoot and wine then smoking Hukka,  archery and Politics She didn't agreed to Rykaiya word entirely hence spoke firmly in gentle tone but one thing both women like to do was playing chess together being cousin and wife of same men they share good bond of respect).

She is Hindu royal blood hot headed I heard she is even well skilled in war and politics"! That's definitely something to bother about what if she become threat to your position"! 

(Hearing Salima words Rukaiya become thoughtful for while then smirk and take a puff from hukka Pipe, and move her Pawn in chess. With smile on face spoke in gentle tone looking straight at Queen Salima in confident and determine look).

"Step of marrying Hindu" will displease many Noble in Court", thus it may never get to threat for my position"! 

(Salima smiled at the reply she got it there is nothing to wary of Rajput Princess come would Be Mughal Queen cause Rukaiya know how to take care of things she own or have right on. While In Rukaiya eyes a women however beautiful or smart she can't wrap a men in her finger for long unless she own heart of men or bore kid for him. In Her knowledge Jalal does possess the heart but it can't rule by anyone even if it did it's can't control him for long. And she would make the would be Mughal Queen never bore him Kid).

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