Chapter 37

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"Why are you laughing"? 

(Ask Jodha with frown they were silently staring at each other, lost in each other's eyes after what she said they were but then the voice of bell which rang each hour of night to ensure everything alright. Made them realize their place their position, but to her surprised he started laughing, which made her confused and curious at the same time. Staring back at Jodha he smiled then spoke).

"It's not your words"! It's you who made me laugh"! You're courages by heart bold by blood"! I wonder Why it's hard for you to confess the feeling your heart have for me"? 

"Does it matter your majesty"? 

"You think it doesn't"? 

"That's not the answer of my question"! 

"Neither mine"! Look at me queen Jodha"! And tell me do you really think it doesn't matter to me"? 

"Yes i dont think it does"! Cause it's obliviously not important to bother about"! Because unlike you at the end it's you i will surrender to"! 

(Jodha answer with her gaze turned sideways not looking at him anymore, "how she could say"? She's scared of his Philander persona which can easily retain by others, how she could confess she feel guilty to have feelings for him, the men who is doing everything in his power to conquer her motherland, crushing her people each day worse using her own people hands to fight against other. How she can admit she hates to love him, how just how"? But she hope what she said clear her sight. Jalal released her and look up at sky, just how at one minute you can warm the sore heart by words and another minute wound it"? How anyone can do it with such calmness, do they realised the effect they left on person"? Perhaps they do she does, cause she always scramble and analyse her words before speaking. Now to she did the same he cursed himself for asking her. She's right in a way she taunted him and show him his place, of-course not to forget she confess her fears and invitable fate as well. Her situation seems helpless but one thing is similar in both of them. They're bound to prove their love for each other, not to others, but to each other as well. How they should do it was questionable but answer they failed to figure out, they can't go round showering each other by affection before others and invite trouble for each other. They can't put a show at all , not because they cannot do it , but because that's not somthing which could satisfied them. Just look at him and Rukaiya she's close to him his best friend his first wife his chief consert, almost entire Harem and empire value their relationship, but inside their relationship is hollow incomplete, look at him and queen Salima they're distant cousin infact respect each other have faith in each other, but there's nothing between them as husband wife even though they're married. Again incomplete, then there are rest of women in Harem , but with them he just don't find anything to get along for long. In last there's she Rose of desert kachwaha clan Ameri warrior princess Jodha. How just how he should confess "? everything related to her matter to him, her wish her attention her action her likes dislikes. Just how"? He should confess that, even though he have persona of philander, this isn't all he wants from her. He wants more if it's possible he just want to get lost in her, there are so many desire they're suppressing under the weight of Their position their identity their persona. Not realising Love over come all, they assume their religion parting them not knowing love itself is a religion more like base of every religion. They weren't ready to take step for love because of their Identities ,Principles, Persona and Religion"! In all this "they were unaware of the fact"! Love can overcome all the hurdle victoriously"! love itself is Religion"! it's base  base of everyone's identity and persona"! "Their hearts need each other"! "they need each other"! and they knew it, but what they do not know is how to let other know about it"! without bowing"! they took the emotion of their heart as battle of life"! There situation was like they love themselves more than they love each other. Or else why it's hard for him to tell her I don't care about others, i dont want others, but you. i love you only you doesn't matter how many come and go it's you i fear to lose i cannot let go if it's me you will surrender yourself solely then i am no different i am going to surrender my heart to you solely to you"! I don't care about your demand cause I will fulfil them out of love"! I carry for you in heart"! You won't be selfish in my view my love "! Were his thoughts his pov on mouths, but didn't dare to come out verbslly for her to hear, Why it's hard for her to say"! It's hurt to see you with others, it's hurt to see you coming back with other , when i was yearning and waiting for you all the while, praying for your safety and well being. It's hurt to know i have no right to stop you from going to others. It's hurt so much that it's feel like either to kill you for making me feel this way, or kill myself for loving a person who can't prioritise me as much I can. It's evoks fear in heart I want to demand and earn position and my right, but fear what if I lose you with my demand"?. Alas like him even she didn't. Ironically he can express his possessiveness over her, either by taking lives of other or confining her behind walls of His Jenan khana. But she can't , she cannot express her possessiveness verbally forget about physically. At the end they're nothing their power of being Empress Emperor mean nothing cause they're just two helpless soul in love yearn for each other but can't even express it openly even if they do it's sound meaningless cause they know they're no common people. But Emperor and Empress they have responsibility to fulfil taking a deep breath Jalal spoke this time in very low tone).

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