Chapter 24

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(Jodha looked at him with stunned confused expression ,his way of making her aware he won't leave her always had to be intensely high. Death to can't do us apart really "! day back he said until death do us apart "! Now even death can't do us apart "! did he agreed to the monster part? did he plan to drag me to hell with him or what? Thinking this in annoyance she looked at him and spoke).

"What you mean "? by claiming to hate "! I really hate you "! there is no claiming to it"!  cause it's truth"! 

(She didn't even get to reply him when he ask by stepping closer to her looking straight at her with unreadable expression on face but slight coldness could be seen on his eyes but his question did. Caught her of guard like his action does but again she can't complain either).

"Once you said you wished he was alive I want to know "! did you fell in love with him"? or ever fell in love with anyone"!

(The way his hand curled up in fist and he awaited her answer she knew, unlike those people who can either hate her or love her but cannot ignore her. He is an expectation whatever he feel for her he doesn't want her to feel anything for anyone he is extremely possessive of her or maybe everyone held dear by him everything he seem to prefer as Precious to him. He doesn't like to share. Not wishing to rule him up any further she spoke firmly looking at him with calm firm expression).

"In my view people doesn't fell in love they rise in love"! Unfortunately I didn't go through the path of this emotion yet"!

(Jalal looked carefully at her trying to guess she isn't lying but than knowing how Rajput are ,he knew she can do anything but lie never this is something she isn't familiar with or learn at all and within a time how much he know her he can say when she is lying and when she isn't lying at all thus with smirked on face he spoke).

"No one conquer your heart yet"! You know what this revealtion mean to men"? who claimed firecly born to win and conquer"?

(She felt so intimated by his stare it's his eyes get darken frequently at her presence sometime she even hestitate to breath at his presence so near as if it's going to be last. His stare on her either it will be full on intensity and passion desire which made them threatening and very much unnerving. But there is something she can't find the word to describe in her mind. It doesn't feel bad that she knew it's in some way make her feel powerful. It's evident he desire her in a way men desire women right the way he was looking at her was clear how with each passing second he is losing control on himself).

"Hate can turn a sea into desert"! But love can grow flower in the barrel land"! Be aware I am born to win"! "I can conquer your heart and rule it as I pleased"! But don't get your hopes high", I still hate you with my life"!

Good for you cause even" The sun can rise from West and set on East"! but I cannot love a beast"! Like you"!

"We will see about it"! 

(Saying this he walked out of the room. Leaving Thoughtful Jodha behind. Why he have to be so damn dominating and brutually mean ? Few minutes back he spoke so big big words as if nothing mean for him more then her. And next minute don't take anything to heart as I still hate you crap. Crazy, mean, brute, jerk ,selfish ,self-centre ,insolent ,royal brat and and ugh cursing him in mind if he really care than he won't be reason of my heart which get wound every time when he say he hate me).

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