Chapter 25

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"Didn't expect you to be here again"! But seeing you here didn't displease me either"!

(Startled by the voice behind her, she turn around and Saw him same as previous dress standing with folded hands up to chest looking at her, she didn't said anything but turn and walk towards the place she sat before , but end up tripping over stone lying near her foot).

"Careful clumsy women ", do you fancy being in arms of man "? Or what "?

(Ask the Man with amused smirk on face, while caughting her in arms preventing her from felling down. If she wasn't annoyed by his arrival, Frustrated by the happening in life she would defiantly let his stupid remark go but that's got on her nerves thus as soon got steady on feet she pushed him down on ground it was long since Jalal left her in room and didn't get back bored by being alone in room she thought to leave but the guards didn't allow her thus when her maids step in room to serve her some refreshments she pulled Moti Bai aside in Hamam and after exchanging the dress with her sneak out from there with group of maids).

"Do not try to touch me ever"! 

"What if I do"!

(With syly smirk on face he neared his hand to put on her right shoulder but , "Ouch"! with low yelp the next second he found himself on ground, with her dagger on his neck she made him fell by twisting her leg behind his right foot and pushing him by left arm hard it was quick and that's caught him of guard with reflex action he should have hold on her but she step back way sooner than his reflex action could act she was hovering over him with her dagger pointed towards his neck).

"I will chopped your hand off"! Ripped the tounge out "! Than you would left with Nothing to fight by"! Or voice to complain"! 

(Chill run down his spine the voice was cold he was glad he cannot see her face or even eyes . But that's what Make it tough for him to anticipate her move , apart from her voice he know nothing ,what's up with every women attacking on him first that Rajput Princess cum Empress , now this women darn. He was here to seek peace with in disguise just like before, but finding her here he wasn't disappointed either but now even he himself wasn't sure. Lost in thought he didn't even realise when the women went to big stone near Lake and started relishing the nature beauty savouring the fragrance of Flowers).

"You're always this hot headed or taken special training to be one"! 

"I can ask the same you're always this talketive or taken special training to be one"!

(The voice both of them find each other voice known their presence near each other seems familiar yet they cannot pin point who the other, they donot wish to reveal their real identity to each other either. "Oh just like her fiesty not bad"! Seem like all Rajput women are as such"! Well almighty one of most wonderful creation who won't wish to have them. Deciding to test her loyalty for Jodha he ask).

"I heard her highness is very arrogant"! She doesn't mingle with any women who dwell here"!

"Be careful with what you hear about a women", Romour comes either from a man who cannot have her", or a women who cannot compete with her"!

(She didn't like the way he stated the question arrogant and she the most arrogant people are already living here, damn heaven curse why women pride are always term as ego, she is good and humble as far she prioritise others before herself, she rude is egostic if she prioritise herself before others huh thus she reply him in way he can get. Whereas he got silent listening her reply Understanding the depth of Her words and found them very much true and right. But after sometime to have light conversation he spoke).

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