Chapter 12

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Amer =>Northern area

"Your highness what you think"? we should do now they're not making any move yet'! 

(Ask Ajit looking ahead at Sharif troop it was getting difficult for them to be alert cause of sudden change of weather.infact it was getting difficult to even look clearly of enemies move still behind the wall they're keeping the control of situation in there had skillfully).

"Patience Ajit "! we can't take action against our enemy "! without knowing what's going on with them at the moment'! 

(Ajit nodded worrying that there paitance can cost them gravely. If they didn't took any step yet top of it he isn't aware what action the Queen taken on West part. Or what's the situation there they need to assist her or not hence he voice out his view regarding all this).

"Your highness as we know Sharif had Afghan on back what if he join him here '! The way we had attacked on them broken there sprit I think it's right time to attack on them and get rid of them '!

(Jodha listen to him but said nothing she continue looking ahead lost in some thought after listening Ajit words. She didn't denied nor she accepted the advice yet but like Ajit even she was worried regardless of fact how much the situation is under there control. Yet she didn't wanted to have fight with them ground on ground face to face. But then the thought of Afghan worked her up she was about to say something when few soldiers rush to her).

"Your highness her highness in trouble the West part broke '! 

"What '! Ajit you guard here no matter what don't leave your post '! 

(Instructing this Jodha run away from north post to corridor and getting down on ground she jump on her horse from status, and rode towards west part but till the time she arrived there on horse. Adham troop had started stepping in the fort. Seeing that Jodha was stunned not knowing how to stop them from entering cause the gates broke. Jodha glance around still in large number soldiers were fighting them to prevent them from getting in. This wasn't really a time to analyse the situation or seek answer. Taking her sword out she started moving ahead to kill the enemies her sword work like lightning speed of thunder bolt quick speedy deadly way. One thrust and the enemies dying at her hand).

Your highness her highness is being surrounded by Adham soldiers outside '! We are unable to reach her '! Cause of these brutes invading inside here "!

(Jodha listen this from Utkarsh Bhan Singh and it wasn't surprised for her why it's getting hard fir any of there troop to reach out for Avantika aid  when they're getting troubled by the Troop entering in by west. The Mughal clearly outnumbered her and her army  if they let it in, then it's not far when they can reach to fort as well which they can't take risk on).

"What to do"? How to stop them"? I can't over power them on my own'!

(Many artillery were spoiled the gun men archers were lying dead on ground. While swordsmen were fighting she knew what's happening It's not only them being outnumbered by Mughal but worry of there queen fighting out with enemies which was making her soldiers distracted enough not to give best).

"It's not how we're trained for war'! We rather die on our feet than lived on knee '! Our entire life is risky"! for our mother land Sacrifice is our only policy'! Don't let your blood get cold "! don't forget who is before us"! what's Their intention against us "! "Our every strike on them should be deadly"! kill the enemy"! "Make victory your slave"! 

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