Chapter 27

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("Jo Jodha"! Murmured Jalal openings his eyes slowly but finding himself in one of secret room, which was used to provide immidiate treatment without letting the others get even slight knowledge about it, looking up at the pattern of ceiling, lying on his royal bed the first face he desired to see was of her's he glance around slowly but find her nowhere. Recalling his trip out in disguise with women he figure out late is none other than her, the rescue of boy the snake bite ,her sucking poison out to save him he recalled about few Man stepping in hut to kill him but they end up killing Hakim. Immidately fear evoked in heart creating sheer panic , he immidately sat up on bed looking around in distraught he called out for Guards , but cause of weaknesses and thrisht his voice come out as mere whisper. Clutching his head tightly to kill the thrist he glance side and moved his hand to get water, but the jug fell from the table making Abdul who was coming towards his room rush inside by the voice. And stepping in ask in concern tone walking near him).

"Jalal you ok"?

"Jodha"! Where where is she"? Call the guards Abdul and Summon her here right now "! I want to see her"!

(Abdul looked at Jalal like he grown two head's but he wasn't to wrong either. The time Zaheer reach to him and they arrived at the place were late enough for them. The terror they felt in heart fear of losing Jalal. Watching all there man knocked down on ground breathing yet unconscious. And the troop back which was rushing out from the place with a women on horse as captive thinking her to be a commoner lady they didn't bother much as for them security of Jalal was more important. but to their relief they found Jalal fine just unconscious in hut on cot soaked in blood of Hakim who tended him before. He knew what Jodha is to him yet leaving all the thing his first wish to meet her made it sound absurd. Whereas watching Abdul standing idly looking at him as if he said nothing enraged Jalal. Finding himself bit better than before he spoke again).

"Didn't you heard at once"? summon the empress Jodha here"!

"Jalal there are other matter needs your attention and you"! 

I don't gave damn to other matter "! For me she is the matter I care the most"! She is safe isn't it"?  the attacker did nothing to her right"? 

(Understanding dawned on Abdul so that's what Amir was trying to tell before he entirely passed out, the women they watch being taken by the attackers were Queen Jodha, the sheer look of horror appearing on his face didn't went unnoticed by Jalal. Thus it was enough to panic him more he immediately took his sword wrapped a shawl around and started walking out. His action made Abdul stop him and spoke in firm tone).

"You were in semi-conscious state"! For us getting you out from there was more important"!  thus we didn't paid much heed to attackers"! They took her"! We won't let the attackers to get away either"! We had sent troop to hunt them down"! I I was'...!

(Abdul knew what happen was bad already not going further with investigation is worse. But what Jalal did he never expected in his wildest dream he would do to him. His sharp sword Was unseathed and held on his neck, for Jalal nothing matter everything Abdul blabber he paid attention to nothing the only thing got his attention and took the very breath of him was , "they took her "! "how it's possible"? Here I am still breathing alive "! while they took away my life"! The Sword fall from his hold, his face went pale mouth parted in shock voice stuck in throat he closed his eyes and her face flashed before her. How she might be feeling at moment he will see her, what her eyes will says"?  I saved your life risking my own"! even-though I hate you"! But you cannot come for my aid"! Even though you sworn to protect me"!.  Jalal realised he cannot waste his time enduring the shock of information, he need to act if they took her than he need to get her back. He cannot just stand idly anymore every second spend on breathing is important as heart beat for now. Determination work as strength which come from courage within heart. He opened his eyes than spoke looking straight at Abdul in cold void of emotion voice).

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