Chapter 32

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(He break the kiss before she push him, he part a bit to create some space and stare at her, with intense gaze , which pierce her soul right then there. Her face got reddened with embarrassment or anger he knew not . Nor he wish to know either it's hardly matter to him , her eyes were teary and glaring at him in disgust and anger,  but his sole attention was on her lips, which swell by the kiss, Watching his lose grip she pushed him, Storm out of the Garden back to her palace. Jalal watch this with surprise and walked behind her. To stop her to talk what's went wrong, but he come across Rukaiya , who hugged him by side gripping his hand, taking feel breath he stopped. He closed his eyes , when he saw Jodha out of his eyes sight, he realized what went wrong with his action, He breath and glance back at Rukaiya. Who was staring at him with curiosity fill eyes, he wanted to leave at moment but he didn't had heart to ignore his friend. Hence he greet her).

"Greetings Queen Rukaiya"!

(Rukaiya had a fresh start of day, while keeping tab and getting report on various issue of harem, she was still lost in the passionate night, she spend with Jalal she knew Jalal isn't one to spend night, with women and end up on bed finally. He like to have his night full of surprises, she sense change in his movements however she paid no heed to it. So far everything went pretty pleasant for her but she missed him. Her lost and happy emotion didn't went unnoticed by rest of queen in room. They shared a look of curiosity which turned into jealousy, they envy her , cause they knew Jalal was with her at night. They know she's his favorite somewhere a part of them. they got it fix the bigger clan you belong , the dearest you will find yourself to king's heart. The smallest clan and royal you will belong , the far you will find yourself from the sight of king).

"Queen Rukaiya"! Are you fine"?

(Ask her maid making her come to present she glance around. Realizing where she's , she nodded her head and got up from couch, she knew she cannot concentrate today in anything, unless she get her doubts cleat. And to get her answer she need to meet Jalal, she walked out of room to look for Jalal. Unlike others women who express there desire to be with Jalal verbally,  even by action, she cannot do the same to any of them. Already all them stay jealous of her hence letting others know about, her own loneliness was out of questions for her. Others in Harem have nothing to lose , if they lost Jalal. But she have everything to lose, if she lost Jalal. By losing him they will gain their freedom ,their way to life they dream to have. But losing him she will gain nothing other then end of her dreams her joy and aim to live. At night her mind was to numb to think much about his action but now when it's pretty much relax and free she think about it. It was very new and unfamiliar but incredibly beautiful. Lost in thought of his action she continues walking forward. And saw Jalal. Who was walking out of Garden towards palace, she gripped his hand by side).

"Greetings Jalal"! I wanted to talk with you"! 

"Let's head to room first "? or you will like to stroll in garden with me"? 

"No it's evoke suffocation in heart"! "Let's walk in Garden"!  

(Jalal nodded and forward his hand to her, she smiled at his gesture and put her hand in his, he clasp her hand and they started walking back in garden. Rukaiya cannot believe it how much they changed with time. Taking stroll in garden holding each others hand isn't new for them they did this even in childhood. But now this gesture and happening made her heart filled with joy).

"Life is full of surprises and unexpected things"! Sometime we like sometime we don't like it"! ! Sometime we're familiar with it"! and sometimes we're unknown"!"Jalal"! Unlike this beautiful morning"! You made my Last night incredibly amazing"! I had spend lot of time with you"! But last night you evoke a feeling which is so new to me"! But I like it"! I enjoyed each second with you"! 

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