Chapter 5

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(Jodha was sure being alone with the Men at night, can cause people point their finger on her. so she didn't wish to take risk even, if she knew she will let go of her life instead of letting go of her pride. but again when People can Question on Goddess Pious Sita and The great Devotee Mother Mira Bai . Then what she is a mere Girl ,who is just known to be Princess of Mere state. So she try to trick the men before her, as soon she Saw everyone started making their way out she spoke).

"yaa leave us alone"! as your Prince don't want to let his fear show before you all"!...

(Everyone halt of their moves, they got it if they leave then it will be Question on Their Prince bravery. while Jalal who got stunned by her words Spoke. Does she even know"? who he is "? scared and he"! What a joke of universe).

"we can slice your throat any second"! you are on my mercy and you dare to say I fear you"!...

(Listening this Jodha laughed a bit making everyone look at her weirdly, did she lose her mind or what . But they had to give her aploude for standing fearlessly before Jalal , whereas after minute of laughing , she spoke Looking straight at Jalal and glancing at everyone, for fraction of second time to time). 

"Of course you do"! Infact I can see fear in each pair of eyes "! here of no one but Me"!...

" may I know the reason"! which make you assume we fear you foolish girl"! others fear me "! Not the other way round"!

(Spoke Jalal Hissing at her, which make her bit silent she for few seconds, then she spoke nothing which made her friend Just smirk inwardly. knowing well what she is having and to be honest even she got afraid for her friend. when Jalal told them to leave them alone . but now she seems to not scared much but if only the same thing could be said about Jodha, whose heart was beating at wildest speed. to be honest it's always Jodha who scare other not the other way round, but here she is before a men who she know nothing about, other then the fact they all are Mughal which she realized by watching their dress appearance and Language).

"oh then those who fear"! you either are fools"!..or you are fool to think"! you can scare anyone"!...

(Jalal fist his hand and about to punch her on face, but stopped his hand, just before it could make contact with her face. and he got stunned by the way she didn't even flinch back , or close her eyes don't know about Jodha. but everyone breath got hitched by Jalal action for sure, which Jodha sense it and smirk then spoke calmly).

"I dare you lay even single finger on me"! then I will let my action speak on behalf of me"... instead of word"! 

(And that was Enough , Jalal Hold bunch of her hair in his hand and closing his hand in tight fist , pull her toward himself Harshly . He put his naked Dagger on her neck sharply. but instead of Jodha everyone Heard Jalal Whimpering in pain. The next minute they saw him laying on floor, clutching his knees tightly as, as soon Jalal Lay his hand on her and pull her to himself she kick him where it hurt the most, which make him yelp in pain and he spoke cursing her).

"youuu evil Witch"!..."I will make you pay for this"...Aaah"...

(Jodha step a bit back near to her friend Vishaka, then looked at him as if telling him, I warn you but you didn't listen your fault so bear it. making Jalal clench his Jaw tightly in rage he just so wish to beat the hell out of her, for causing him pain while his men were to shocked to react in anyway , still Jodha could do nothing as Jalal eyes were on her. one move by her and he will kill her, it's not like she fear death but even the death she wish to prefer is as brave warrior. fighting at war field not like this, at the hand of some coward whose name she is yet to know, Jalal got up from ground and  walked back at the couch. and sit royally on it and stayed silent say nothing while taking a clue, they had enough drama for a day . Aziz,  Aamir dragged Jodha and Vishaka out of the tent. to take them back at the previous tent and after reaching their they walked out).

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