Chapter 18

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"First night in Agra here at my room didn't see that coming Jalal"! 

"I met everyone only you were left cause you were busy"! Then I was ever Rukaiya! Besides I always met you in last after coming back Agra even when we weren't married"! 

(Stepping in her rest room Rukaiya got surprised seeing Jalal half laying on her bed drinking wine. Thus she fired the first question at him she really didn't see that coming ofcourse before queen Salima she pretend to not bother by Hindu queen but the she was bother by the fact as well but knowing she have no say in it. And she had to dealt with it anyhow she decided it's better dealt with her gracefully as queen then as insecure jealous wife who take every new women in her husband life as threat to her own position at her husband life. Alas perk of knowing Jalal well , she knew you can't bind him once he say he trust you with life he mean it and none can change the fact. The others just need to stop pushing themselves up to get brace by his expressive good gesture , cause once he start doing that then it mean he will led you to way where at end when you start reminding what you done he will remind you back how he repaid all the favour you done to him. She was about to by passed the bed to check when he held her wrist and pull her on bed making her fell flat on bed on her back while he hover over her by side gently caressing the wine glass on side of her cheeks. To which she just smirk and spoke raising her brow).

"Does that offend the emperor who make other wait ended up waiting for his queen"! Nevertheless true to your action always I wish you were true to your emotions as well"! 

"The offender doesn't get to the sunrise ever if it's me they offended on first place Rukaiya"! While emotions aren't my thing always messing up with me"!

(True again he and his emotion you can't predict on even pregnant women won't have such mood swing like he does when he get high on emotion he speak which will be so unlike of him even it's get hard for him to get control on his action. Maybe one of reason he is doing what he never done back then ever in life.  she liked the fact he is always honest with her in terms of any secret the thing he won't share with anyone he will share with her. Gosh what more a women can wish for she have power fame cause she married him she can keep it up with grace cause she is dear to him. And she is very much on his love list the way he talk to her the way he behave with her he do with none admit he won't get charm by her looks even if she is is bathtub but that's cause horny desire aren't only thing to excite for women. But one thing she can see and he can't or maybe he can but he doesn't wish to admit was something deep intense and very strong thing evoking in him cause of her. And it can't be stop the more is merrier after all and with time pass it will get strong stronger and stronger she just pray it's doesn't get to turn out love later on or else she is doomed).

"I wonder why you even pretend to have ego when you're so damn humble"! And straightforward"! 

"I have my reason"! 

"Of-course you do royal brat"! 

"I won't said that if I would've you"!

(Listening this Rukaiya look at him then end up gigling softly, why I can't see her gigling at my presence there are many women he might laid with but none were as close to him then Rukaiya not even his own sister even though both have many similarities yet his sister always seem to be competive with him. While Rukaiya make others compete for him thus he get save by being her medium of entertainment purpose. Both of them seem to crave for power doesn't matter about ways to get it. But both of them love him in Thier own way. What he is doing comparing his hot headed sister with his cool head wife. Well it's to odd other when he can compare his biological mother with wet nurse then such a little comparing  are fine to do).

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