Part 3

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daisy's pov:

I open the doors and a lady walks up to me with a clipboard in her hand, "Miss Paulsen? follow me Mr Clark would like to see you right away." I nod my head a follow her at her fast pace. We reach a set of double doors. "I will be out here Miss to show you your office." I nod in thanks and walk in the office.

"Well if it isn't my top student, they finally sent you down here I see Daisy." I nod my head and hug Mr Clark, "we both knew they would give in sooner or later. Now as much as I would love to catch up on all of the stuff you have missed in my life lets get to business." He sends me a smirk, "good to know nothing has changed, always straight to business. Find lets get to it, you will find all of this information in a file in your office and much more. The basics are people have been turning up dead in Brooklyn, they are all drained of blood. You are the first person I thought of when I was brought this, you will have to work with two cops from the NYPD." I huff but nod anyway. "You can count on me sir." I leave the office.

Now right now you must be thinking what was that. I have something wrong with me but I found a way to use it for good. It turns out the FBI found out about me and they are the only ones that know. I worked on missions close to home before this, but now I can leave and finally have some real fun. I follow the lady with the clipboard to some double doors, "Mr Clark wanted you to have a corner office. Your stuff has already been moved in." I nod my head, "Thanks." Then she leaves and I walk into my office. (picture above.)

I walk over and lay on the sofa and look at my phone to see Donna called me, oops. I hover my finger over her name on my phone scared knowing she is going to yell at. I give up and press her name. "Daisy Mary-Anne Paulsen where the hell are you!?" I take a deep breath, "I may have forgotten I was needed to come to work today to set up my office. I totally forgot then got a text reminder when I was with Louis, I am so sorry." She sighs on the other end of the phone, "fine I forgive you, look do you think you can come by my desk to get your bags, we kind of have a problem here. Hardmen's wife died." "Totally, I mean I will be there soon, I have to go see you later sis." We say our byes and love yous and then I hang up.

Just as I was about to call a taxi I here a knock on my door. "Come in!" The door opens and I see Clipboard girl, "hi I am just here to introduce you to your secretary Beth." With that she leaves and I smile at Beth, "Hi you must be Miss Paulsen, I hope you don't mind but I overheard that you were leaving. do you want me to call your driver." I have a driver? "I'm sorry but I don't have a driver." Beth just shrugged, "well Miss Paulsen we don't trust cabs so you do now. His name is Luke, should I call him Miss." I nod my head, "Sure and also please stop with the Miss and Miss Paulsen, it makes me feel old. Call me Daisy." She gives me a bright smile and nods. She leaves soon after.

I meet Luke outside. He gets out of the car, "Miss Paulsen?" I nod my head, "Please call me Daisy. Can you please take me to Pearson Hardmen." He nods and I get in the car. Why is everyone so formal I mean I feel like an old lady and I'm only 22.

We arrive outside the building, "can you wait here I am just picking up my bags." Before I can even open the door he does it for me, "Of course Daisy, would you like any help." I laugh and step out the car, "I think I can handle this Luke just wait here." He gives me a nod and I make my way to the elevator pushing the button for my floor. Just as the doors were closing a men holds the door open and walks in. The first thing I notice is his skinny tie. He goes to press his button but realises I already did.

He looks at me and smiles, "So are you a lawyer here, because I don't think I have seen you around. I'm Mike Ross." Wow this is Mike Ross, funny enough this is what I was expecting. "I don't work here I'm just here to pick up my bags form my sister. You should know her, I'm Daisy Paulsen Donna's little sister." His eyes widen in shock, "I didn't see that coming." I laugh, "I know right that is such a plot twist." The doors open and I walk out of the elevator and feel his eyes still on me. I can't help but smirk.

I get to Donna's cubical and see my bags, really I mean anyone could have stolen them. I roll my eyes at Donna and pick up two of my bags. I stare at the third one with a death glare. How am I meant to pick this up on my own, I'm not bloody magic. I hear someone clear their throat and turn to see Mike, "do you need help, because no matter how much you look at it, it won't move." I let out a sigh, "fine skinny tie this once. hurry I have a car waiting." He smiles and takes the bag. We walk to the car and he tells some funny and terrible jokes on the way. We reach the car and Luke takes the bags. "I will see you later skinny tie." He smiles at the nickname, "you will indeed princess." He leaves and Luke takes me to my apartment and carries the bags in.

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