Part 7

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My alarm starts to go off and I let out a groan. I get up and go over to my desk and turn the alarm off. I walk over to my wardrobe and get ready for a kick ass kind of day. (outfit above.) I walk into my kitchen and grab an apple and a bottle of water. I get a text telling me Luke is here so I walk down to meet him with my apple and water.

We arrive and I walk into my office and put my bottle on my desk and apple core in the bin. I get a text from skinny tie saying, 'I had fun yesterday thanks for the pick me up. Afterwards I went back to work and came home and saw my Grandmother that's when I realised me going back to work made me forget to meet her at mine. Sorry for the rant, thanks again maybe we can do it again, and next time it won't because a sad ass reason.' Oh no is he one of those people that text in paragraphs, I just put a simple, 'Np lets do it again I had fun maybe your Grandmother can join us next time.' Before I know it I get a response, 'cool I really do hope we can do it again some time.' I look at the time and just put, 'same gtg I'm at work." I feel bad but I am going to be so late.

I meet Luke outside and he takes me to the precinct. The rest of the day up until lunch was spent looking through hotel records and receipts. Now that would have been fine and bearable if Jake and Charles didn't ask me 21 no I mean 200 questions, in the end I just put in earphones.

When it reached lunch time I text Mike to say I was coming to meet him. I get to the bullpen and walk over to Mike putting my hands over his eyes, "guess who." "oh I wonder could it be the one and only Princess." I laugh and spin his chair round to me. "Can you please get lunch with me skinny tie. I have no one else I am a damsel in destress, please don't make me eat alone." I let out a dramatic sigh. He keeps a straight face and says, "I will save you princess." He cracks a smile and we burst out laughing, "good now hurry up and finish this I'm starving."

He laughs at my dramatics and turns back to his laptop and I sit on his desk looking at the screen. Harold walks over and him and Mike start to talk about the case, "Mike I need food before I die." He laughs, "We'll leave soon I just need to do this for Harvey and then I'm all yours." I pout but let him work. Then Louis claps his hands, "everyone. I would like you to meet Ms. Sheila Zass from our beloved Harvard Law." "While I appreciate the introduction, I would have appreciated even more a little discretion. I'm here to make an assessment, which would have been aided by anonymity. Fly. Wall." Louis nods, "loud and clear." "and by the way, it's Sazs. S-A-Z-S." "yeah that's what I said Sheila Zass."

All three just stare in shock then Skinny tie says, "Do you see what I see?" Harold nods, "There's two of them." "I think Louis is attracted to female Louis." I jump in, "they would be so cute. They are my new ship now they need a name." Mike shakes his head at me. Harold obviously didn't hear me as he goes on to say, "Do you think that if they touch, the world would cease to exist?" I try to hold in a laugh and Mike looks disturbed, "I don't want to think about them touching."

I zone out and I think I missed something because Harold is gone. "What did I miss, where is Harold?" Mike shrugs, "female Louis and Louis took him to be interviewed, now food." I do a happy dance and look like a weirdo, "yassss! Lets go! To the food!" He shakes his head laughing and we leave to find me some food.

"Princess we have been walking around New York for what feel like forever just pick a place." I stop in my track and turn around to look at him, "listen up skinny tie when I find a place I like I will go in." We keep walking until I stop and he takes awhile to notice I stopped and comes over to me, "what happened to 'I'm hungry'." I give a death glare and look back at the shop, "this place." It has a baby blue door with a sign saying 'fizzy dizzy café' It had one window that was also hard to notice.

I pull Mike into the café with me and it looks empty with only one or two tables taken. The bell by the door goes off and everyone turns and looks at us. They look surprised, but welcoming. A Lady with a warm smile walks up to us, "are you here for just drinks or food as well." I return her smile, "food as well." The lady's smile widens as she shows us to a table. "My name is Wendy. Sorry about the staring. We don't get any new people only the ones you see now. Sorry I'm rambling." I give her a warm smile,

"That's fine don't worry. We have been walking for god knows how long to find the right place. I chose here. I'm Daisy and this is Mike." He smiles towards her, "You two make a lovely couple. Anyway let me get those menus." She leaves before either of us can correct her. "I'm happy you picked this place." I hum in agreement, "Good to know. I now declare this our spot." He nods and Wendy comes back, "Here you are I will be back soon to take your order." Then just like that she is gone.

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