Chapter 10: I Am A Fighter

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Kari stood in the guest bedroom frozen in shock. He had her brother. He had already taken away her life, her friends, Tk, Gatomon, and now Tai. She could feel her body shaking and the tears rising to her face. Her heart was beating fast and she just wanted to crawl under a rock and hide. "Tai..." Kari whispered staring at the place he had been only moments before.

She looked towards the door. Her parents and her aunt had gone to the store to pick some stuff up and when they came back they were going to want an explanation to Tai's disappearence. What was she supposed to say? The digimon are back.

She couldn't say anything. She had to listen to Tai and find a way to break the bond she was now trapped in. Otherwise she couldn't help the others in defeating this stupid digimon. She looked down at Tai's keys. He had a key for her parents car. She bit her lip and grabbed the keys knowing if she waited to long her parents would come back and she wouldn't be able to leave and she had to if she wanted to end this. She had to get her digivice and figure out what to do next.

Kari ran down the stairs and out the door into the pouring rain. 'Perfect.' She thought to herself as she got into the car and started it up ready to take off. She'd make up some explanation to her parents later.


"How could you two not tell us you saw her!" Tk asked after Yolie and Cody had arrived.

"Ehh..." Yolie said awkwardly not expecting to be caught. "Well we thought it was for the best that you didn't know because Tk you would have gone back and confronted her! And if you two had known." She said turning to Davis and Ken. "You would have agreed it needed to be kept from him too!"

"Yeah but you didn't even give us the chance." Davis countered.

"She ran off...we figured that was a pretty big sign that she saw us and didn't want you to see her." Cody added quietly.

"Okay okay argue about this later. Tk what's going on? You said you have something to tell us all." Matt said urging his brother to continue.

Tk turned to the others. "Kari misses us."

"Tk..." Matt started but his brother stoped him.

"No! Listen we snuck into the Kamyia's house..."

"You did what?"

"Matt let me continue!" Tk said getting aggravated with the interuptions. "Anyway we went through Kari's room. And yes that's how we found out where Kari went to school." He glanced at Yolie and Cody who looked away awkwardly. "I saw a picture that I was in the background of from the game. But that's not what made me realize she still cared." He added seeing Matt's doubtful look. "She has pictures of us in her room."

"She does?" Yolie asked looking up interested.

"Yeah on her back wall there's five framed photo's. One of her and Tai, one of the whole digidestined group, one with Yolie and Kari, and then two of me and Kari, one when we were little and one when we were older."

"So she still somewhat cares..." Yolie said confused.

"Yeah and then her phone started ringing and on the answering machine some girl came on talking about her boy problems and in it she mentioned Kari having a picture of a cute blonde boy on her nightstand."

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