Chapter 11: The Eternity Bond

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"Whoa…what's going on?" Mimi asked as they parked the car in front of the Kamyia apartment. There were police cars surrounding the area and she could make out a clear image of Tai and Kari's parents standing and talking to a cop.

"It probably has something to do with Tai. I mean if he's missing his parents are bound to worry." Izzy said unbuckling his seatbelt and turning off the car.

"But don't you think they would realize the digimon were involved?" Sora asked from the backseat next to Matt. "I mean why would they call the cops?"

"Let's find out." Matt said following Izzy's lead and getting out of the car.

"Mr. Kamyia!" Izzy shouted running over to the familiar man with the other three close behind. "What happened? Where are Tai and Kari?" He didn't want to lead on that he knew Tai was missing.

"Izzy Izumi?" Mr. Kamyia asked a bit surprised. "Why I haven't seen you in years, any of you." He added seeing Mimi, Sora, and Matt with him.

"Yeah well it's been a weird past couple of years." Matt said quietly. "What's going on?"

The man sighed and looked towards his house then back at the four. "Tai and Kari are missing…" He said quietly.

"Both of them?" Mimi asked confused.

"Yeah. We were visiting my wife's sister and we went to the store to get some things and when we came back both Tai and Kari were gone. As well as our car, shame we all car pooled in my sister in-laws."

"So they just ran away?" Sora asked puzzled.

"Well we thought they had probably left to go find some decent food. Their aunt isn't the best cook…"

"Must run in the family…" Matt muttered and Mimi and Sora shot him a death glare telling him to shut up.

Mr. Kamyia continued. "But then we got a call from the police saying that there had been some sounds coming from our apartment."

"What kind of sounds?" Izzy asked.

"Well like the sound of glass shattering and such I suppose." The man explained. "Anyway the cops said they went to check it out and found our apartment in complete destruction. Tai's bedroom window was broken and several other items were ruined like there had been some sort of fight. There was even blood on Tai's bedroom floor. And well no one was there…but my car was."

"So they came back here and then something must have happened?" Sora asked worry crossing her face. "If there was blood then someone must be hurt!"

The man nodded sadly. "Yeah. The police are investigating more to see if anyone saw who entered the apartment and such. I just hope Tai and Kari are okay."

They nodded quietly then Matt spoke up. "Thanks for informing us, Mr. Kamyia." Mr. Kamyia nodded back and the walked over to where his wife was.

"Well I think it's safe to say the blood was Kari's." Izzy said confidently.

"How can you be sure?" Mimi asked.

"Well Tai contacted us and it seems obvious he isn't in the real world anymore. I think only Kari would have been the one even able to get into their apartment." Izzy explained to her.

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