Chapter 15: The Day After

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"Tai?" Kari said shaking her sleeping brother. "Tai, come on get up!"

The boy rolled over putting his pillow over his head. "Go away." He spat out. "I'm sleeping."

"Well Dad says you need to get up so come on."

"I don't want to get up."

"You don't have a choice."

The boy sat up glaring at his younger sister before getting out of his bed. Kari just rolled her eyes at him as she said "What's got you in such a bad mood this morning?"

"I'm not in a bad mood…" He muttered walking over to his dresser and rummaging through his clothes to find something.

"Well you sure seem it…" Kari commented walking out the door to leave the room. Sometimes she really just didn't understand her brother. She walked back into her room staring at her empty walls thinking she really needed to do some redecorating. She could always put some pictures of her and her friends up or something… She shrugged it off moving towards her mirror to brush her hair.

She stopped abruptly at the sight of her arm in her tank top. There was a huge dried up gash running up the mid part of her arm about three inches long. She stared at it horrified not remembering how it got there.

She was snapped out of her trance when Tai knocked on her door and then let himself in with his toothbrush in his mouth as he spoke. "Hey can I borrow your phone? I can't find mine."

"What about the house phone?" Kari asked turning her head slightly but not facing the boy.

"Mum's on it." He responded. "Now can I please use yours?"

"Fine. What's with the panic?" Kari asked noticing her brother's frantic attitude this morning.

"Nothin…I just gotta make a call." He said taking her phone and opening it up to start dialing.

"Hey Tai?"

"Yeah?" He asked turning before he left her room. He had one hand on the phone and the other on his toothbrush.

"What happened last night?" Kari asked continuing to stare at the scratch on her arm.

Tai seemed to notice what she was talking about because he just simply responded "You fell."

"Where?" Kari asked curious now. She didn't remember falling.

"The stairs. You hit your head too…that's probably why you don't remember."

"Oh…" Kari said trying to think really hard and remember what happened but it just wasn't working. "And then we were robbed?"

"Uh yeah. Weird how things work huh?" He laughed nervously then left the room. Kari stared after him confused but just shook it off and looked back in the mirror and noticing there weren't any bruises or bumps on her head that she supposedly hit.


"No I won't go back there…"

"Mimi we're digidestined. It's our destiny to save the world, whether you like it or not." Matt said exasperated.

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