Chapter 20: Fallen Angels

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"Let the real battle begin." Tk spoke with a smirk and as he did a ring of fire circled Tk and Kari and enclosed them over head forcing all the other digidestined on the outside of the battle.

"Hey let me through!" Tai yelled trying to get to Kari but it was no use.

Matt came over and put his hand on Tai's shoulder. "There's nothing we can do now. We have to believe she can break him out of his trance."

Kari felt the heat of the surrounding fire. It must have been over a mile tall and covered at the top. Perfect for a battle between two flying digimon. This had to be a joke.

"Sir?" Phantomon asked appearing next to Myotismon. "Are you sure she's not going to break through the spell like the other girl did with the digidestined of knowledge?"

"The power of the spell I have put on this boy is much greater than any on the others. It won't be broken. They have not seen each other in years. There's no love strong enough to break through this." Myotismon said sternly. "Now let us leave and let these star crossed lovers fight to the death." He lifted his cape and vanished in thin air with Phantomon leaving the wall of fire between the other digidestined and Kari and Tk.

"Tk please don't do this. It's me, Kari." Kari said to the boy but he didn't even flinch. He just stared down at her with dark eyes.

"MagnaAngemon attack." Tk said evenly and the giant angel digimon flew up.

"Exacalibur!" He shouted raising his sword and shooting himself straight at Angewomon. She quickly jumped up into the air causing MagnaAngemon's sword to fly straight into the ground.

He quickly pushed himself back up into the air. "Soul Vanisher!" He shouted aiming a beam at Angewomon who was hit and smashed into the dirt.

"Angewomon!" Kari yelled.

"I'm fine…" She said pushing herself off the ground. "MagnaAngemon please stop this!"

"It's my duty to defeat you." He responded holding his sword back up. He leaped swinging it at her. "Exacalibur!" Angewoman went backwards and hit the edge of the fire. She screamed then fell to the dirt ground once again.

"Oh know, Angewomon!" Kari yelled starting towards her digimon.

"Kari, stay there!" Angewomon yelled and Kari stayed put looking over at Tk.

"Tk please stop this fighting. It isn't you, you don't want this." She pleaded tears filling her eyes.

"You don't know what I want or anything about me!" Tk yelled back.

"You made me do this MagnaAngemon." Angewomon said after she managed to stand back up. She held her hands out into the position of shooting a bow and arrow. "Celestial Arrow!" She screamed and an arrow of light shot straight into one of MagnaAngemon's wings.

He groaned in pain for a moment but still flew high. "I have eight wings Angewomon, I can still fly without one."

"For now. Holy Air!" She yelled as a pink ring surrounded MagnaAngemon and wrapped itself around him. The angel fell to the ground unable to move.

"MagnaAngemon get up!" Tk shouted angrily. The angel struggled to break free of the ring but it was no use.

"Do you surrender?" Angewomon asked flying above.

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