Chapter 21: The Vampire's Last Night

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"You" Kari said angrily as she pulled her face away from Tk's chest and looked at the monster before her. "I did everything you wanted! I left town, I cut off connection from my friends, I stopped being a digidestined and you still did this!"

"Stupid girl why do you think I had you do all those things? I wanted the digidestined separated; you're nothing on your own. I knew you wouldn't turn me down, not with your precious little boyfriend's life on the line." Myotismon grinned as he looked down at the two. "Now you two got your little reunion before I destroyed all of you, don't you think that was nice of me?"

"You sick monster!" Kari screamed and Tk grabbed onto her tightly so she couldn't escape his grip and go after Myotismon. "Tk let me go!"

"Kari he's not worth it!" Tk said pulling her closer as he spoke more calmly. "Please Kar."

Kari felt her heart sink and she melted at the sound of his voice. Oh how she missed his voice. It was bad enough that her whole body felt numb in Tk's arms and now she had to deal with Myotismon. Her string of emotions was ridiculous. And he called her Kar. She hadn't heard him call her that in four years. She stopped trying to get out of his grip and let him hold her. It was over anyway, Gatomon and Patamon were gone…and all the other digimon were out of strength.

"It's over…" She whispered only loudly enough for Tk to hear as a tear fell down her cheek.

"No it's not" He whispered to her, "I just got you back and this is going to sound selfish but I want more time with you."

Kari smiled softly and turned to face him. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

"You're sorry for saving me?" He joked and she couldn't help but laugh even as she still had tears falling.

"You shouldn't have needed to be saved." She whispered because her voice wouldn't go any higher without her breaking down.

He shook his head at her. "You just don't get it do you? You've never understood."

"Understood what?"

"What you mean to me."

"ENOUGH!" Myostismon shouted and Kari and Tk turned to look at the monster. "It's time to end this."

"You still have us to get through!" Tai yelled jumping up with Agumon.

"And us!" Matt added with Gabumon.

"Yes I am concerned about ten rookie digimon." Myotismon smirked.

"You should be!" Biyomon yelled. "Spiral Twister!" She shot her attack at the digimon who just laughed in return.

"You call that an attack?" Myotismon laughed. "You're all a joke."

"Tk they can't beat him…" Kari whispered to the boy behind her. She looked up at him when he didn't answer. His face was full of worry which scared Kari. He was supposed to be strong; if he had lost hope then they were all in real trouble. "You've given up too haven't you?"

This seemed to snap him out of it and he looked down at her. "Never."

"You look worried." She observed.

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