Chapter 1

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Chapter One - Freedom

2 Years Ago.

I stand on the grass and watch Atticus walk around to the driver's seat of his car before he opens the door. My vision is blurry and tears slip down my cheeks every time I blink. He stops before looking at me with pained eyes and I almost want to hug him and never let go.

"Please don't leave me." I whisper and I know he heard me despite being a few feet away.

He looks away and I can see how hard he's clenching his jaw as he refuses to give in. "I don't want to Olivia but we're not mates and I need to find mine before I take over the pack."

I cover my mouth to stifle the sob threatening to escape my lips while nodding to show that I understand. I close my eyes and look down, not wanting to see him drive out of my life. However, there's no noise for a few minutes before I hear his footsteps make their way towards me.

Atticus embraces me tightly and the dam breaks. My cries echo in the air as I sob into his shirt. He hushes me and rubs his hand across my back soothingly before pulling away. Cupping my face with both hands he brushes my tears away as his hazel eyes meet my green ones.

"I'm going to miss you." He murmurs with a longing look in his eyes.

I nod as a shaky breath escapes my lips. "Me too. I hope you find her and be happy."

He says nothing and instead nods before pulling me close and pressing a lingering kiss to my forehead. He then walks away and gets into his car. The noise of the engine starting has me biting down on my lip hard as I stop myself from running over and preventing him from leaving.

He doesn't look back.

Instead, he drives away and shatters my heart into pieces.

The sudden sound of my alarm blaring evokes a tired groan from my lips. I sit up and my arms shake slightly as I put my weight on them to scoot backwards on my bed. It's seven in the morning and school starts in an hour. Sighing, I manage to get out of bed and walk towards my window to pull back the curtains and be greeted with the gloomy weather of Canada for the third time this week.

I see my reflection and grimace at my sunken green eyes and knotted brown hair because of how much I tossed and turned last night. I contemplate on skipping school. I'm exhausted and sleep deprived almost every day and it's starting to affect my study. No, I think to myself as I shake my head. I can't skip school. I need to get good grades so I can get accepted into a university and get the hell out of here!

The reason why I feel so miserable is because of my mate, Vincent Ross. I had found him at the age of seventeen when he visited my pack in Quebec in search of his mate. It was great at the start as he was kind and sweet. But then it all started to go downhill when I was accepted into his pack, the Red River Pack in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Turns out he never really wanted me as my mate and chose one of his regular whores to take my place. But instead of rejecting me he keeps me around because only an Alpha's true mate can provide him with strong heirs. That's all I am to him, a broodmare.

It disgusts me.

I hate him with a passion. Every night he hooks up with his chosen mate while I cry out in agony from the burning in my chest. For hours I'll sit on my bed and be curled up into a fetal position as I wish for it to stop. I had thought that the heartbreak I received from my mate was painful but it was nothing compared to this.

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