Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen - City of Love part #1


We fly out in the morning from Ontario and touchdown at Paris in the evening. After collecting our luggage, we head outside where Atticus guides me to a sleek, black car waiting for us. I greet the driver as I settle into my seat before Atticus joins me after putting our bags in the boot.

We chat between ourselves as we take in the scenery of Paris and it takes us some time to reach the center. Atticus provides directions to a hotel he has booked us in for our stay and I struggle not to let my jaw drop when we pull up outside it. It stands proud and tall while oozing luxury.

"Welcome to one of my hotels." Atticus murmurs as we grab our bags.

I turn to him with wide eyes. "You're kidding!"

"No." He smirks as his honey colored eyes sparkle with amusement over my reaction. "I own this and construction has started on a second one just outside Paris. I was needed to check on things."

"Do you own hotels in other countries?" I wonder while realizing that that's how he got the finance to expand his territory.

"Yes, and a steel company too in Toronto." He elaborates as we make our way inside.

The interior is just as exquisite as the outside. It has a warm theme with expensive looking furniture and decor. The staff all wear sophisticated uniforms and greet us with kind smiles as we walk up to reception. As Atticus is checking us in I glance around. The hotel is quite luxurious but it's also modern with innovative aspects here and there.

"Ready?" I'm brought out of my admiration when Atticus turns to me with a knowing look.

I nod and he takes my hand before we get into what I quickly realize is a private elevator. I watch as he presses the only floor available which is where the penthouse suite is and I bite my lip in anticipation. I'm sure I'll fall in love with it if the hotel decor is anything to go by. Finally, the lift doors open and we walk down the hallway to the double doors.

Atticus scans they key card and he opens the door to let me in first. I grin excitedly and a quiet gasp escapes me once I step in. The suite is enormous and looks like a mini apartment as I walk from room to room. Windows line the right side in place of walls and there's a balcony too where I can see the city below.

There's a spacious sitting room, numerous master bedrooms, hot tub and so much more. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling throughout the suite and like the hotel itself the penthouse is quite modern. I run my fingertips across the beautiful black piano as I come to a stop by the window again. A smile graces my lips when I catch sight of the Eiffel Tower in the distance.

My breath hitches in surprise when Atticus wraps his arms around my waist. He nestles his nose into the crook of my neck and my eyelids flutter briefly as he presses a feather-light kiss to my skin. I turn and rest my hands on his broad shoulders as he continues to pepper kisses down my neck. A soft and involuntary moan escapes my lips and I blush in embarrassment over how needy I sound. But I feel his lips form a smile against my heated skin and I find myself mirroring the action.

"What do you think?" He murmurs as he pulls away.

"It's amazing!" I reply breathlessly as I look around the penthouse once more before meeting his eyes. "I can't wait to see what the other one will look like!"

"Thank you." He grins and I catch a flicker of pride in his honey eyes. "I want to take you out for dinner tonight. Will you be ready by eight o'clock?"

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