Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve - Threats

It's Wednesday evening and I'm heading to my room after coming back from school when I hear Atticus and Bastian speaking in hushed tones. I had stayed behind to work on the art project with Leon so I've arrived later than usual. With how quickly Christmas break is approaching I need to work fast on getting all my school work submitted. I'm on the stairs and I assume his bedroom door is open because I can hear them clearly.

"I'll have the warriors training increased." Bastian replies to something I missed.

"Get it done this week. We need to be ready because Vincent will most likely attack without warning." He states which makes my eyes widen. "I want more warriors patrolling the border too."

"We also need to put more guards on Olivia when she's out of pack territory." Bastian mutters and I hear Atticus hum in agreement. "I'll make sure the night shifts are increased too."

"Good call." I hear something rustle as I get to the top of the stairs. "I want the security bunkers checked as well. If he gets into the territory there'll be some damage and I don't want anyone to get hurt."

I swallow harshly at the thought of people being harmed just because I betrayed and rejected Vincent. It's better I leave, I think to myself. I should have never stayed here. Jade whines in protest inside my mind yet remains silent. She's also conflicted because although we feel safe here we could be the cause of a war between two packs.

I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't hear Atticus and Bastian move. I look up when they walk out and freeze mid-sentence at the sight of me. I meet Atticus' honey eyes that stare at me knowingly before I walk past them and into my room. I sense him walk in after me as I drop my backpack by my bed and sit down.

"How much did you hear?" He asks quietly as he leans back against the door.

"Enough to know that a war might happen because of me." I mutter as I stare at the carpet.

"Remember what you promised me." He murmurs and I look up to see him already staring.

"Atticus, you need to think about your pack." I argue as he begins to walk over to me. "You can't risk their safety just because of me!"

"I am thinking about my pack and their safety." He crouches before me and takes my hands into his. "You're forgetting that you are also a part of my pack now."

"I won't be able to live with myself knowing that people got hurt because of me." I admit hoarsely as tears fall from my eyes.

"Olivia, my pack isn't weak. I have the strongest warriors and we've won countless of wars. Why do you think we can't protect you?" He sighs as he wipes my tears away.

"I know that but...the guilt starts to eat away at me when I think about what could happen." I try and calm myself down. "I'm sorry. I just can't help it."

He shakes his head before taking a seat beside me on the bed. I yelp in surprise when I'm picked up and situated on his lap with my legs around his waist. He chuckles at the instant blush that covers my cheeks and grazes the back of his knuckles against my heated skin. With a tender look in his eyes he pulls me close so that my head rests in the crook of his neck.

"Everything will be okay, Olivia. Just trust me." He whispers as he caresses my hair.

"Okay. At least I've been training before school." I murmur thoughtfully but feel him tense at my words.

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