Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven - Movie Nights

It's finally Friday evening and Arcadia, Elias, Emilia, Leon and a few other people from the pack are heading into the city to go bowling. I change into black jeans, a white t-shirt, white sneakers and grab my camel colored coat on the way out just in case I get cold. I make my way to the pack house and hear a few excited voices in the main room. But before I can step in that direction Atticus comes out of the hallway to my right. He smiles once he sees me and I return the gesture.

"Hey, Livi. It's good that you're here. I wanted to as if you want to go into the city and hangout or something?" He asks and I bite my lip as I see the group heading our way.

"I'm sorry Atticus but we've already made plans." I watch as he turns to his pack members.

"We're going bowling!" Elias grins as he walks past us. "I think we might have food too so we'll probably be back by eight."

"Why don't you join us?" I ask as the group makes their way to the front door.

"I have a call at seven so I'd have to leave anyways." He sighs before shaking his head.

"How about tomorrow?" I feel so bad now because he wanted to spend time with me. Because he's the Alpha I don't get to see him all that much and I do miss him. It's been two weeks since we went on that run.

"I have meetings all day tomorrow." He replies and I watch his eyes harden at something behind me. I turn to see Leon smiling widely and waving me over. "Never mind. Go have fun."

"Atticus..." I trail off as he turns and walks away.

Sighing, I bite my lip as I debate on what to do. An idea forms in my mind as I turn to the group. Since he'll be free after seven I can come back home and spend time with him then. I head out with the group to the cars waiting for us and we get to the city within twenty minutes.

The driver drops us off and we make our way inside to find a bowling alley, billiard tables and laser tag. They also serve food and we decide to grab some light snacks before we start bowling. We play three rounds and I come second in the last round surprisingly considering how badly I thought I played. After, some of us have a game of laser tag whereas others go to the arcade games or the billiard table.

I laugh as I hear Emilia curse loudly in the dark maze while Arcadia cackles evilly. But as my attention is elsewhere Elias manages to get me and I groan in defeat as he shouts victoriously. We play for a bit longer before the game ends and we head out to the billiards game happening between Leon and Elias.

I spend the rest of my time chatting to everyone as the game becomes more and more intense. But eventually, Elias wins and smirks smugly at Leon who only groans dramatically in response. However, when I check my phone afterwards, I realize there's thirty minutes left until seven o'clock.

"Where are we heading for dinner?" Leon asks as we exit the building.

"Actually, I'm going to skip dinner." I state and make up an excuse as everyone turns to me. "I'm not feeling well."

"Do you want any of us to come with you?" Arcadia asks worriedly.

"No, I'll be okay." I smile at her before waving goodbye to the group and making my way to the driver.

I ask him to drive me to the closest grocery store which turns out to be only ten minutes away. I rush inside to grab some snacks and drinks that Atticus and I like along with some new things to try out. Paying for the items quickly I make my way back to the car and ask the driver to take me back to the pack.

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