Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty-Three - Suffering

Olivia Peterson's P.O.V.

Two weeks later.

I'm taken to a different room in the morning today for my usual check-up and ultrasound. I am now halfway through my first month of three since werewolf pregnancies are much shorter. Thankfully Vincent hasn't tried to harm my baby but he has been taking his anger and frustration out on any part of my body except my belly. He's also using drugs that have blocked out my mate bond, mind link and my wolf without harming my child.

I lay down on the bed completely exhausted as the doctor glances at me worriedly. Because I don't have Jade to help me heal and I'm being physically abused almost every day, my body isn't in the best of conditions to be nurturing a child. Carlos, the doctor, has been trying to do the best he can in taking care of me but I have been running into some issues.

Alongside extreme fatigue and nausea I'm also experiencing a high blood pressure, iron deficiency and regular fevers. In addition to that, Carlos must keep tending to my numerous wounds, bruises and any swelling.

"Nothing yet, thankfully." I joke humorlessly as he gets the ultrasound machine and device ready.

"I'm so sorry." He bites his lip as he regards me with pity and fear.

"They're keeping you hostage too. You have nothing to be sorry about." I smile weakly as he runs the gel covered device over my stomach.

"Still. I wish I could just help somehow..." He whispers sadly as he glances at the screen.

Carlos and I have figured out that we're in an abandoned house of sorts but we just don't know where. I don't think we're in Ontario or Vancouver because surely someone would have found us by now? Either the spies Atticus had in Vancouver or Atticus himself.

Just like I'm locked in a cell so is Carlos and we are only allowed into this room so that he can check up on me and my baby. We've been stuck here for two weeks and every time we venture out of this room we've seen numerous groups of guards walking around the place so attempting to escape would be a stupid idea unless it's fool proof. My only hope is Atticus.

"I really need that blood pressure to go back to normal and for you to not stress a lot. Because if this continues you may have a premature baby which isn't good considering the pregnancy is shorter and the development is faster." He sighs and I catch the anger in his eyes. "This is so unfair to do to a baby and you as a mother!"

"I know." My voice trembles as I speak because I'm trying so hard not to break down. "But he or she has been strong so far."

"Just like their mom." He smiles before wiping the gel. "I'm going to talk to Vincent about ways to get your blood pressure down through meals, exercise and stuff but you must work on staying calm. I know, it's crazy for me to even suggest that with the current situation but please try."

"I'll try. Thanks, Carlos." I smile gratefully as I pull my shirt down and get off the bed.

"No problem. Tell someone immediately if you need me but I'll see you soon for your next check-up. Remember to keep taking your medication and vitamins. And if the guard doesn't change your bandages correctly let me know immediately." He instructs before giving me a tight hug. "Hang in there."

"You too." I whisper before pulling away just as a guard opens the door.

The guard ties a blindfold over my eyes and guides me to my cell. He takes it off as soon as I'm inside before chaining me to the wall and leaving. I whimper in pain as the silver burns my skin. They keep changing the limb that is chained to the wall each week so right now it's my left wrist.

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