Chapter 6

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Chapter Six - Running Wild

I grab my backpack and swing it over my shoulder before slamming my locker shut. I had forgotten my book for art and had to rush back during the five minutes we are provided with to get to our next class. I walk into the room and smile brightly when I spot Leon. He waves me over and I take a seat beside him just as the teacher, Mrs Samuels, walks in. She starts the lesson by giving us a new project to work on which is to be completed before the Christmas holidays.

"You all have to submit a portrait of your partner, who is sitting beside you." She states and I'm relieved that I'm going to be working with someone I know. "I also want a short summary on your choice of colors, background and media used. All portraits are to be submitted during the last class right before term ends. Any questions?"

Some students raise their hands while Leon turns to me. "Do you want to start on it after school and get it out of the way quicker?"

"Sure, I'll meet you at the pack house?" I smile as he nods in agreement.

"Yeah, I'll be in the study room." He replies and I make a mental note to meet him there.

The rest of the class flies by in a blur and so does the afternoon. Thankfully, Scarlett doesn't bother me again. In fact, I don't see her at all today so I assume she took a day off to heal from the wounds and bruises Arcadia gave her. I wouldn't want to be on her bad side that's for sure!

At the end of the day, Leon walks up to my locker with Emilia and soon Arcadia and Elias join as well before we all leave the school. We take the same car back to the pack house and I follow Leon into the study room so that we can get started on our project. I take out my sketchbook and pens since I will be drawing him in black and white instead of painting. But I notice that he's going to be using oil pastels which I find slightly trickier to work with.

"Ugh, I look terrible." I mumble as I try and fix my hair blindly.

"Shut it! You're beautiful!" He chuckles and I roll my eyes playfully in response. "Oh! Hello, Alpha Bauer."

Leon bows his head slightly which makes me turn. Atticus stands by the door with his hands in the pocket of his slacks. His hair is disheveled as if he ran his hand through it numerous times. The top two buttons of his shirt are open and reveal a peek of his golden tanned skin underneath.

"Hi Atticus!" I smile but it falters when I notice the dark and cold look in his eyes. "Is everything okay?"

"Fine." He mutters with a stiff nod before leaving without another word.

"I wonder what's wrong..." I trail off as I watch his retreating back before he disappears from the room.

"Maybe he's stressed or just tired?" Leon suggests distractedly as he rummages for something in his bag.

I nod but am still confused over his behavior throughout the evening. Leon and I decide to finish the rest of our homework in the study room together before I leave for dinner. I have only perfected the outline and placed some of his features so the next time we meet I'll be working on detailing it a bit more. I make my way back to the Bauer house before running upstairs to get changed into more casual clothes. Putting on my sweatpants and a hoodie I make my way down to the dining room where everyone except Atticus is present.

I frown as I take my seat as the food is served. Vasilia asks Tobias where Atticus is in a low murmur and I hear him say that he's finishing up some work and will be done late. His behavior earlier plays in my mind like a broken record and I find myself lost in my thoughts throughout the entire meal.

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