Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen - Hatred

It's five in the evening and I, along with many other students, are doing our schoolwork in the pack's study room. I have completed my work for tomorrow and I'm nearly done with my English and History essays that are due just before Christmas break. Everything was perfect. Until Scarlett walked in with the biggest smirk on her face.

Elias, Leon, Emilia and I exchange confused glances as she walks up to my desk and stands before me. I choose to ignore her and continue with completing the problems for my math homework. What I didn't expect was for her to laugh before grabbing my books and chucking them behind her.

I release a deep breath before mind linking Atticus to get down here if he's free. He did say to tell him if Scarlett bothers me again. I don't get a reply from him but regardless, I look up at Scarlett expectantly. Everyone in the study room is watching and I can hear other pack members outside wanting to see what's happening.

"What do you want, Scarlett?" I mutter as I stand and pick up my books.

"How about you tell everyone how pathetic you were that your own Alpha mate rejected you?" She replies way too loudly but her words have me freezing in shock. The conversation with my parents took place in Atticus' home so how does she know? "He cheated on you! Probably because you couldn't satisfy him. I mean look at you!"

"You should stay out of matters that don't concern you and that you know nothing about, Scarlett." I seethe as I try and maintain my composure.

She fully ignores what I said and continues. "What's even more pathetic is how you're now trying to nab another Alpha. Give up, Olivia. Nobody wants leftovers, especially not Atticus."

Everybody starts to whisper and question each other. I swallow harshly at the unwanted attention, hating how the past I tried so hard to leave behind is now being thrown in my face.

"Maybe you should look in the mirror?" Elias snickers which immediately catches her attention. "You're fantasizing about being with my brother when he's already dating Olivia. You're the one who wants to nab an Alpha."

"What?!" She shrieks and her eyes fade to black as her wolf comes to the surface.

In an instant, I'm slammed against a wall but I retaliate quickly by kicking her off me. She growls as the other pack members scream and escape the room. Elias, Leon and Emilia join in and get her off me when she throws me to the ground and tries strangling me. I rip her hand off my neck just as she's pulled back but I'm too late to stop Elias from getting punched repeatedly and thrown into the rows of desks.

Growling in anger I grab her by her hair and knee her stomach. She breaks free and is about to punch me but Leon smacks the side of her head with the desk. However, she doesn't stay down for long and within seconds she has me pinned down again before hitting my body anywhere she can find.

I snarl and try to shove her off me but she barely moves. It's only when Emilia grabs her hair and smacks her head hard on the floor that I'm able to get up. I can see that Scarlett is dazed but it only lasts mere seconds before she ends up shifting into her wolf. Startled, I push my friends and Elias out of the way as she charges for me but she's stopped before her jaws sink into my flesh.

I look up to find Atticus holding her by the neck with a furious expression. His eyes meet mine before they roam over my body and take in the several wounds. Throwing Scarlett to the other side of the room he orders for her to shift. It's completely silent as she quickly changes into a new pair of clothes that a pack member holds out from the doorway.

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