Chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty-Six - Whole Again

Two Years Later.

I walk into my bedroom before setting my books and bag down with a heavy sigh. Jumping slightly when I feel hands on my shoulders I relax when the delicious tingles give away who it is. I turn and wind my arms around Atticus' neck as he hugs me. He peppers kisses to my mark and I find myself melting in his embrace.

"Tired?" He murmurs softly as he rubs my back.

"Exhausted, more like." I grumble before I pull away. "I threw up twice today and I felt sick the entire ride home."

After I graduated high school Atticus and I got married during the summer on our pack territory. I then got accepted into the University of Toronto and am currently in my second year of studying accounting. But recently, I've been feeling quite tired and nauseous which is weird since werewolves don't get sick. At first I thought it must be from juggling my duties as a Luna and attending college but then again, I was fine in my first year.

I groan when the feeling worsens and walk into the bathroom just in time to throw up my lunch. Atticus rubs my back and holds my hair away from my face until I'm done. He leans against the wall with a thoughtful expression as I clean my mouth.

"Did you take a pregnancy test?" He asks hesitantly which makes me stiffen.

After the incident it took me a few months to fully get back to normal. With the tissue of the miscarried fetus Atticus and I had buried our first baby but I was an emotional wreck and went through depression over losing my child. Atticus and I didn't try for another baby again until we talked last month about starting a family. But I had never really spent too much time thinking about becoming pregnant than I did over losing a child again.

"Uh...n-no. No, I didn't think of that." I whisper as I put the towel back on the rack. "Do you think I could be?"

"Your scent changed when you started throwing up a few days ago." He admits and I stare at him in surprise. "I was waiting for you to realize it on your own so you had time to process it. That's why I gave you that necklace so it hides your changed scent from everyone else."

"So..." I lick my lips as my throat suddenly feels dry now. "I'm pregnant?"

"We could take a few tests to confirm?" He smiles gently as he opens a drawer to reveal the tests. "I got these from the infirmary just in case."

"Thank you." I smile weakly but make no move to grab them.

Atticus doesn't move either and stands before me. I feel a slight tremor run through my body as I glance at the tests again before meeting his gaze. His honey colored eyes that I love so much are filled with patience and understanding as they stare back at me. I feel hot tears brim my eyes when I sense him pouring his love for me through our bond.

"Whenever you're ready, love. We don't have to do this right now." He murmurs gently as he reaches out to wipe the first traitorous tear that escapes my eye.

"I-I'm scared." My bottom lip quivers and I bite down hard on it. "Fuck! I've had two years for goddess sake!"

"Hey..." He hushes me as he cups my face in both hands with a frown. "It's not something that we can forget about. I'm sure we'll remember our first child every time you get pregnant. It's okay to be scared, Livi."

"I don't want to be though." I whimper as the first sob escapes. "But I can't stop thinking about miscarrying again."

"Nobody's out for our throats this time and if you are pregnant I'm not letting you out of my sight. I'll leave no room for mistakes this time, that I can assure you." He promises with determination shining bright in his eyes. "Unless your body isn't physically able to carry our pup, you won't miscarry. Believe that, Livi."

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