Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven - Green Eyed Monster

"Olivia!" I hear someone call my name as I walk out of the school's entrance.

I had stayed behind after school to work on a group project for science and truth be told I am knackered. Turning, I see Finn from my Math class waving at me. I stop at the steps and smile at him as he makes his way to me. He's a human with light brown hair and green eyes. I find him cute but a certain hazel eyed Alpha has been running circles in my mind. Nobody compares to him.

"Hey!" He grins sheepishly as he fiddles with the strap of his backpack. "There's this new movie out and I wanted to ask if you're free Friday night?"

"As in a date?" I bite my lip nervously because I didn't expect him to say that.

"Yeah!" He laughs breathlessly as he runs a hand through his hair. "Are you busy? We can reschedule?"

"Finn..." I clear my throat uncomfortably and watch his smile falter. "I'm sorry but I'm just not interested."

"Oh." He frowns as he tilts his head to the side. "That's alright."

I blink at him in surprise over how he didn't seem at all affected. Instead he smiles again before asking, "Do you know if Emilia would be free?"

I struggle to not let my jaw drop at his behavior before shaking my head. I hurry down the steps and ignore his calls. When I look up to see where the driver has parked the car I'm pleasantly surprised to see Atticus waiting for me. However, his murderous expression makes me slow down.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I smile as I reach him.

"Why? Did you have other plans?" He growls lowly as his eyes flicker to the school's entrance. "Not happy to see me?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I snap when I realize his mood has turned sour.

"Did you agree to go out on a date with that boy?" He arches a brow and I realize the numerous voices of school students must have distorted our conversation slightly.

"What do you think?"

"You probably said yes immediately." He narrows his eyes at me and his answer makes me scoff.

"Disappointing coming from you, Atticus. You know me." I repeat his words from last night in a mocking tone.

"People grow and change in two years, Olivia." He throws my words back at me and I lose my patience.

"This is so stupid! Why are you behaving like this?!" I shout in the empty yard of the school grounds. "I said no!"

"Well, you spend so much time with Leon and I saw how close you were dancing the other night! And now I see you flirting with this boy so obviously I'd think –"

"Atticus why are you being so overprotective?! You're acting like you're my boyfriend or something –"

"Well, maybe I should be!" He snaps as he invades my personal space and my eyes widen at his words.

We stare at each other in silence and I quickly come to the realization that he's jealous. All those times his mood would switch when I was around Leon was because he was jealous of him. It all makes sense now and I groan at my slow self for not connecting the dots quicker. He pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration and sighs heavily before walking away a few steps.

"Look, when you were drunk the other night you confessed that you never stopped loving me." My eyes widen in shock and I wish the ground would swallow me up.

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