Chapter 3

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Chapter Three - New Territory

"It's dangerous for me to be here. What if he hurts you and your pack?" I whisper fearfully as I think about the repercussions.

"His pack is nothing compared to mine." Atticus scoffs and I believe him because his tone isn't full of arrogance. Rather it's heavy with confidence and pride. "I will take care of you, Olivia. He'll have to go through me if he wants to get to you."

I bite my lip as I weigh out the pros and cons of my situation. If I run away and change my identity there's still a high chance of Vincent finding me. But if I stay here I will be protected by Atticus and his pack. Sighing heavily, I know what my decision is and I look up at Atticus as he stands.

"Okay." I nod with a weak smile.

A handsome smile blooms on his lips at my answer before he holds his hand out to me. "Come."

I take it hesitantly and follow him to his desk. He grabs the office phone and I watch as he dials a number taken from a small notebook. When I realize it's the number for Vincent's office I stumble back only for him to grasp my wrist and pull me flush against him. He stares down at me with narrowed eyes and a stern expression.

"Do you want to reject him?" He asks and my eyes widen in response.

"Atticus –"

"Yes or no, Olivia?" He interrupts firmly.

"Yes, but he won't let me!" I exclaim in frustration.

"When he answers reject him as fast as you can." He presses the call button and I hear it go through.

"Alpha Bauer speaking. Get Alpha Ross on the line." Atticus orders in a commanding tone.

He puts the phone on speaker before gesturing for me to talk. I exhale deeply to get rid of my nerves but it's futile when I feel them go haywire as I hear Vincent ask his Beta who is on the line. He snarls angrily once he hears that it's Atticus before growling out a "what?" into the speaker.

"I, Olivia Peterson reject you, Vincent Ross as my mate." I rush out before hanging up.

Instantly I feel this burning in my chest and I lose my balance. Atticus catches me before my knees can hit the floor and holds me to him as I scream in pain. It's like a part of me is being ripped away and anything is being used to get rid of the other half of my soul. I feel my bond with Vincent and his pack burn away. I cry out in agony and beg Atticus to help me as I clutch onto his shirt. He hushes me in response and promises it won't take much longer as he wipes away my endless tears.

Eventually, the pain fades away into nothingness after what feels like hours. I sag against Atticus with a broken whimper as the feeling of emptiness hits me like a ton of bricks. There's nothing there anymore. I feel incomplete once more yet it brings me sweet relief. I have been praying for this for so long and finally I was able to break our bond.

"Thank you." I whisper as I turn fully to hug him.

"No problem." He whispers back as he runs his fingers through my hair.

We stay on the floor for a while longer before he helps me stand and tells me to come with him. I follow him out of his office and into the foyer. We walk up the stairs to the second floor and he guides me down a long hallway. I look around in awe as we walk through the house because it's just as beautiful on the inside than on the outside.

"Where are we going?" I wonder aloud as we pass a large window that overlooks the sprawling gardens below.

"I'm going to show you your room." He replies which brings me back down to earth.

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