Chapter 18

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*** This is a clean version of Chapter 18. For anyone who is over 18 years, you can find a book on my profile called 'The Forbidden Diaries' which contains the explicit version. If any problems occur where you cannot view the book then you may have to follow me. Reading the explicit version is done at your own choice as I have made sure to notify you beforehand. ***

Chapter Eighteen - Yours Truly

His eyes darken significantly and swirl with a lusty gold at my words before he growls heatedly. I gasp when he rocks his hips against mine and I feel his hard bulge against my weeping core. He chuckles huskily at my reaction and repeats the motion while pushing my shirt up and exposing my skin to the cool air. I bite my lip when his lips meet my skin and he presses kisses down to the waistband of my jeans.

"Take them off." I squirm restlessly under him.

He smiles before hooking his fingers into the waistband and pulling the denim off me. And the rest of my clothes come off right after until I'm left in only my lacy underwear. Atticus mumbles a curse under his breath as he stares down at my body and I feel nervous suddenly. Atticus and I dated briefly before we never went any further than kissing and I've remained a virgin even after finding Vincent so being this intimate now is making me feel slightly overwhelmed. But the good kind.

Light tingles dance across my skin in elation wherever his fingertips trail in admiration. He grins before his lips come crashing down on mine. "You're so beautiful."

I smile shyly before tugging at his jumper. He takes it off along with the t-shirt underneath before quickly removing his jeans. He kneels on the bed before me in just his boxers. I blush fiercely when he scents my arousal and growls lustfully.

His honey colored eyes brighten with gold flecks and I shudder at their intensity. He grins at me boyishly before taking off his boxers. My eyes widen over his long length and girth. He's rock hard and immediately rises against his stomach.

"Fuck me..." I mumble in slight shock.

"Gladly." He laughs out loud at my reaction before kissing me. "Don't worry. I'll be gentle."

"You're a werewolf. I highly doubt gentle sex exists in your vocabulary." I deadpan which causes him to chuckle.

"True." He smirks proudly and I roll my eyes in response. "But I'll take care of you, I promise."

I become wet all over again and he smiles against my skin when he smells my prominent arousal. My anticipation to feel him inside me increases and I feel like I'll explode if he doesn't give me what I want soon.

He rolls me over so that he's now hovering above me as he puts on a condom. And finally, I feel him nudge my core before he slides it against my slick folds. And then he pushes into me. I whimper as he gently moves in and can tell he's struggling not to let go. When he's buried himself to the hilt he curses loudly as I try and get accustomed to his size.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I breathe as I feel the discomfort ease up slightly. "Move."

He thrusts into me at a steady pace until I start to rock my hips against his. Intense pleasure courses through my veins and my eyelids flutter shut as our bodies become slick with sweat. It feels amazing to have him filling me up and I never want this to end.

"Fuck baby, you're so tight!" He hisses before clenching his jaw as he thrusts back in.

The bed squeaks underneath us and the headboard slams against the wall repeatedly as we make love. I lose myself in him and the pleasure that overtakes my body. He moves down to the base of my neck and peppers kisses to a certain area that has my breath hitching in anticipation.

"Can I mark you, Livi?" He asks huskily and I nod when his honey eyes meet my emerald greens.

He nips and sucks at the base of my neck and I feel that familiar knot tighten deep in my belly once more. And just as he sinks his canines into mine we orgasm. I mark him too and the pleasure is so intense that my vision darkens at the edges. Our wolves howl in unison and I feel our bond become so much stronger and vibrant.

Eventually, we retract our canines from each other's flesh before licking the mark closed. I'm still riding the waves of pleasure and feel like I'm on a high. But as Atticus pulls out of me I feel slightly empty. Sighing contently, I turn on my side just as Atticus takes his condom off and throws it in the bin. He turns back to me and pulls me flush against his chest.

"Mine at last." He whispers with a soft smile as he caresses my cheek.

"Yours." I whisper in return as I peck his lips sweetly.

I feel more connected to the pack and my eyes widen when I realize that they must have felt their Alpha become bonded to someone. I look at Atticus to see him smiling widely as the pack's emotions of shock and happiness reach us. Before they can get into my head I block them and a breathless laugh escapes my lips.

"I can't wait to introduce you to them as Luna." He murmurs as he kisses my mark repeatedly.

"Well, we won't make it out of bed if you keep doing that." I sigh as I try and push him away from my extremely sensitive mark.

"Hmm, I wouldn't mind staying in bed until tomorrow." He murmurs huskily as his hand wanders down to my core.

I catch it with what I hope is a stern look. "Later."

But with one sneaky kiss to my mark I find myself melting into a puddle of desire. He smirks and I shake my head at him in amusement as his hands roam over my body, as if trying to commit every dip and curve to memory.

Hot desire shoots straight to my core and I arch against him. I bite my lip hard as I feel him harden against me and nudge my core. Instantly juices leak out of me and wet my thighs which causes him to lick his lips hungrily.

"Atticus!" I whine as I realize I have lost the battle.

"I'm sorry, baby. I just don't think I've had my fill of you yet." He winks before disappearing under the covers and greeting my core with his tongue.

"I don't think you ever will!" I huff but am immediately cut off by my own loud moan.

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- R.W. ♡

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