Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen - Rightful Luna

Atticus and I all but rush out of our room this morning. It's a miracle we even heard the cook call us for breakfast. He's truly insatiable and kept me up until dawn so I'm quite tired right now. But last night was a dream and he made me feel so incredible. We had woken up to the sight of our marks and marveled over them in fascination.

I grab his hand as we leave our bedroom and make our way towards the stairs. But the sight before me has me looking around in confusion. There's so many people in the house and they're putting up decorations. It isn't anyone's birthday so I wonder what these preparations are for.

"Atticus...what's going on?" I ask as we descend the stairs.

He smiles at me brightly as he intertwines our hands. "I'm holding a party to officially announce you as Luna to our pack and some friends."

My eyes widen in surprise as I glance at two people working on decorating the banister of the staircases with flowers. "H-How big is this party?"

"Around seven hundred guests will be attending." He states causally while my heart starts to pound from nervousness. "Hey...don't be nervous."

"What if they don't accept me? I'm not your true –"

"Don't finish that sentence!" He growls lowly as he pulls me flush against his chest. "We have a mate bond and that's as true as it can get."

"I'm sorry." I sigh as I shake my head. "I didn't mean for it to come across that way. I'm just worried that I won't be accepted since just a few days ago I was only known as your childhood friend."

"Girlfriend." He corrects pointedly which makes me chuckle. "You have nothing to worry about, Livi. The pack already loves you and I'm sure there will be no problems with them accepting you as their Luna."

"Alright." I nod in agreement and wind my arms around his neck. "But you should've given me a heads up about this party! I have nothing to wear!"

"Don't worry about that. I've got it covered." He grins boyishly as we make our way downstairs. "I'll show you after breakfast."

"You guys mated!" Vasilia exclaims happily as soon as we walk into the kitchen.

"We did." Atticus nods as we take a seat and help ourselves to the food.

He goes onto explain what we had been feeling and our meeting with the elders yesterday. By the end of it everyone reacts happily and congratulates us. Vasilia is especially over the moon and her excitement makes me laugh.

"So, you're going to be announcing Olivia as Luna tonight I assume?" Tobias grins as he points to the decorators rushing around.

"I sure am. The Bauer Pack has waited too long for her." He smiles as he pecks my cheek.

We spend the rest of the morning and afternoon chatting and lounging together as it's the weekend. However, at some point, Bastian mind links Atticus and I with news that is frustrating. He reports that the rogue we caught wouldn't reveal anything concerning his connection to Vincent and eventually killed himself by repeatedly opening a big wound. Atticus sighs and gives instructions to Bastian to take care of the rogue before I comfort him through our bond.

Eventually, he drags me back upstairs to show me what I'll be wearing. We walk into our room and he disappears into the wardrobe before returning with a garment bag and a few boxes. He gives me the bag and I open it to find a pink, off the shoulder dress made from tulle and lace. It has a sweetheart bodice and is detailed with floral embroidery with a skirt that is higher in the front than the back. I open the rest of the boxes to find nude-pink heels and delicate diamond jewelry to match.

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