Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight - Consolation 

I'm on my lunch break when my phone vibrates in my pocket. Frowning, I take it out and recognize that it's my mom's number. I always keep important phone numbers written in a small notebook just in case something happens and when Atticus destroyed my old phone and got me a new one all I did was enter the numbers. My mom's being one them. Instant dread fills me and I excuse myself from the table before picking up my bag and walking outside. I accept the call with a nervous greeting.

"Olivia! What is the meaning of this?! You left Vincent?!" My father's voice booms through the speaker and the unexpected loudness of it makes me jump.

"I didn't just leave him, dad. I rejected him too." I reply quietly as I walk away from the school.

"You've done nothing but embarrass us, Olivia!" Mom cuts in and I realize I'm on speaker phone. Her words cut deep and I feel myself crumble a little. "First you cheated on him –"

"I did not cheat on him! You have no right to accuse me of something I didn't do!" I growl as I walk out of the school gates. This conversation is much too private to reach anyone's ears, especially my fellow pack members who attend this school with me. "You're all so blinded by his act that you disowned your own daughter! You are an embarrassment to me!"

"How dare you speak to us that way!" Dad roars and I find my disbelief grow. "Get back to Vincent right now or else I'll drag you there myself!"

"I will do no such thing!" I snarl angrily and hear my mom scoff in the background. "I have explained everything to you and yet you choose to believe a stranger over your own blood!"

"You are no blood of ours, Olivia." Mom growls and I feel my heart shatter in pieces. "The Moon Goddess blessed you with an Alpha male and you threw it back in Her face like an ungrateful brat! You are a disgrace!"

Tears stream down my cheeks and I fight the urge to sob freely. Words are on the tip of my tongue but I can't seem to get them out. I hang up with a pained sob and allow myself to break down. Every time we've talked they have never listened to me, never believed me so what's the point in wasting my time talking to them and only getting more upset.

"Miss Olivia?" I jump when someone calls me and hurriedly wipe my tears. Turning, I see that the driver has brought the car to the gates. "Shall I take you home?"

"N-No..." I breathe shakily as I get in. "Take me to someplace quiet."

He nods and drives out of the school grounds. The tears keep streaming down my cheeks and I grab a tissue to wipe them away. How has Vincent managed to keep my family under his thumb? I think to myself in despair. How can they believe him over their own child?!

I watch the scenery change from the town to trees that are losing their green colour and turning shades of red, orange and brown. We don't have to travel far to find a quiet place to stop at. I thank the driver before walking over to the river's edge and taking a seat on the grass.

Looking up at the gloomy dark clouds I find myself feeling the exact same. Why is my life filled with such hardship, oh Moon Goddess? I think as I wrap my arms around my knees and rest my head on them. Why didn't Vincent love me? What did I do to anger you for you to destine me for such misery?

This time I let the tears fall freely knowing that nobody is watching me. I can't believe my parents said such hurtful things to me, their own flesh and blood. I've tried so hard for them to listen and believe me but they never do. What spell does Vincent have them under?

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