Chapter 25

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Chapter Twenty-Five - Broken

Olivia Peterson's P.O.V.

I open my eyes to a blinding bright light which causes me to flinch. I blink drowsily as I look around the room and take it in. I recognize it as a typical hospital room before my eyes land on a sleeping Atticus in the chair beside my bed. And then it all hits me.

I remember being kept in a cell by Vincent.

I remember being strapped to a bomb.

I remember Atticus and Bastian storming in.

I remember feeling blood coat my legs.

I remember realizing that I've miscarried.

I lost my baby. Immediately, tears brim my eyes and escape through the corners as I place my hand on my belly. Jade whines sadly in my head and I can feel her devastation. I feel empty and not pregnant anymore. The little life that was growing inside of me that came as a beautiful surprise is now gone. I can't help the pained sob that escapes me and the rest that follow.

"Olivia?" I look at Atticus through my tears as he wakes up. "Livi!"

"I lost our baby. I'm so sorry, Atticus!" I cry loudly as he takes a seat beside me on the bed.

"No! You have nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart." He cups my face and wipes my tears away but they just keep pouring out. "In fact, I should be sorry. If only I had protected you better or reached you sooner this wouldn't have happened."

"You did everything you could, Atticus. Please don't blame yourself –"

"Only if you stop blaming yourself and apologizing for something that wasn't your fault?" He replies and a shaky sigh escapes me.

"It's going to take some time but I'll try." I smile weakly as he presses a firm kiss to my forehead. "I-I feel empty and numb, Atticus. I feel broken."

"I know but you won't stay broken, my love. However long this journey takes I'm with you every step of the way, Livi. Don't forget that." He states with determination and I start crying all over again.

"I don't know what I've done wrong for the Moon Goddess to keep punishing me like this." I sob as I clutch his shirt tightly. "First Vincent and now our I just not meant for happiness?"

"You are. She just tests our strength and faith from time to time." He whispers as he lays beside me and holds me tight. "Maybe she decided she wanted our little baby by Her side? Maybe it wasn't our time?"

"What if I miscarry the next time?" I ask as fear consumes me over the thought alone.

"Let's just leave everything up to Her, okay?" He caresses my cheek and I feel him send me all his love through our bond. "We'll take it all one step at a time and first, we'll focus on you healing and coming back home."

I kiss him while tears stream down my cheeks. "I didn't even ask how you feel! I'm such a bad mate!"

He chuckles as he pulls away before wiping my tears...again. I have a feeling it's going to take a long time for me to run out of tears. Only now I notice the myriad of emotions flickering through his eyes. Pain, sadness, frustration, anger,'s all there. He smiles sadly as he intertwines our hand.

"I think I'm all out of tears with how much I've cried ever since the doctor told me there was no chance." He starts and I bite my lip when his voice trembles. "I'm completely heartbroken and just like you said, it's going to take time to heal from the loss. But knowing that I have you with me eases the pain a little bit. I know we're going to be okay, Livi."

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