Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty-One - Miracle

I'm in math class when my phone vibrates in my back pocket. Taking it out I see that it's a text from Emilia and quickly read it under the table. It says, Meet me in the mall after school. Need your help in picking out a dress for this weekend's party! However, while I'm typing back a reply the teacher coughs and I look up to see his eyes trained on me as he talks. I send the text before discreetly putting my phone in my bag even though he knows well what I was doing.

Thankfully, time flies by and after twenty more minutes I'm finally done for the day. I note down the homework we have for tomorrow before rushing out of the class with Leon. He has date night with Savannah so he's equally as eager as I am to leave the building.

We both bid each other goodbye before I see him hop on his bike and cycle away. Making my way to the car waiting for me I get in with a quick hello to my regular guards, Tobi and Felix. They're the ones that usually accompany me everywhere.

"Hi guys. Can you take me to the mall actually?" I ask and see Tobi smile and nod in the rear-view mirror.

"Sure." He replies before starting the car and driving off the school grounds.

I listen to some music on the way there and it doesn't take that long to reach the mall since the school is in the center of town. However, the parking lot does seem packed and Tobi makes a noise of frustration as he drives around to find a free space. But miraculously, Felix spots a person loading their shopping into the boot of their car. I decide to call Emilia to see which store she's in while we wait for them to leave.

"Hey, which store are you in? I'm in the parking lot." I say once she picks up after the third ring.

"Uh...what are you talking about?" Her response makes me frown in confusion.

"You texted me to meet you at the mall after school and that you wanted my help in picking out a dress for a party this weekend." I explain with furrowed brows.

"Wait...what? Okay, hold on..." She mutters and I don't hear anything for a few seconds before she speaks again. "Olivia, I didn't send any texts. When did you get it?"

"When I was in Math."

"I had gym." She replies slowly before I hear her curse under her breath. "Liv, get back to the pack house. I'm going to find Atticus. Something isn't right."

"This was a setup?!" I growl in both anger and panic as I come to the startling realization.

"Yes." I look up at Felix to see him smirking at me before grabbing my phone and crushing it in his grip.

"What the fuck?!"

My jaw drops before I try and escape the car only to hear him lock the doors with a dark chuckle. He turns around just as Tobi floors it out of the parking lot at an insanely dangerous speed. Snarling in frustration I quickly mind link Atticus and tell him what's happening along with giving Tobi and Felix's names. I also add on directions so that he can at least know where I'm headed.

"I'm coming, don't worry! I'll find you, Livi!" He replies in a panic and I try not to let my fear filter through our bond.

"Where are you taking me?!" I scream when Tobi almost hits a car.

"Shut up!" He growls as he swerves crazily.

"Atticus..." I trail off as dread fills me over where I think we're headed. "They might be taking me out of Ontario. Please, hurry! Tobi's locked the doors and is going too fast for me to attempt at escaping."

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