Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen - Family

With a deep yet shaky exhale I begin to head inside the house. I feel the warmth from Atticus behind me as I step through the door and see my family. I come to a slow stop as my gaze runs over them, seeing them after almost two years. My dad has brown hair like me but I inherited my mom's green eyes. My features are a mix of theirs, some of dad's sharp ones and some of mom's softer ones. Mom has her auburn hair at shoulder length and sleek straight like always. I inherited her slender and petite frame from her too whereas dad is more built and stands at six foot, three inches. Jason, my sixteen-year-old brother, is the exact same copy as my mom but has shifted and gained some muscle.

I smile weakly at Tobias and Vasilia who gesture for me to come inside. When my family looks at me all I see is disappointment. But then I see them inhale my scent and frown when their eyes widen and fill with regret and guilt. Hot and wild anger courses through me at their actions and the fact that they had to smell my unchanged scent to believe me is embarrassing. However, I relax when I feel Atticus' hand caress my lower back to remind me to stay calm.

"If you are here to argue with me and create a scene please leave now." I utter quietly with my head held high.

"Y-You didn't cheat on him?" Mom is the first to whisper in shock.

"Of course, I didn't!" I snap before releasing a frustrated breath. "How many times do I have to say it for you to believe me?!"

"H-He just made everything seem so – so believable!" My mom exclaims with a helpless look on her face. "He would send us pictures of you around other boys in school –"

"It was a mixed school!" I growl in annoyance as I throw my hands in the air. "Unless he sent you pictures of me in bed with someone why would you ever believe that I cheated on him?! That I was at fault?!"

"Oh, Moon Goddess..." Mom trails off with a sickened look.

"What's worse is that you banned me from my home! I was given no chance to prove myself to you!" I hate the way my voice trembles as I take a few steps forward. "Why did you do it?"

"Olivia, the news spread throughout the pack. W-We were embarrassed..." Dad trails off as he stares at me with sadness and guilt.

"Yet you never came to see what was happening to me. You never believed me no matter how many times I told you it wasn't true." I reply quietly while trying to keep the hurt from slipping into my voice. "You chose to care about what other people thought of you rather than caring about your own flesh and blood!"

Both flinch back before mom releases a strangled sob. "Olivia, we're so sorry!"

"Please forgive us." Dad drapes an arm over her shoulder to console her. "Vincent would send us photos and videos just to strengthen his words. We should have never believed him."

"H-He would call me and act like he was sad and frustrated over you. I-I didn't realize he was lying because he sent me pictures too..." Jason trails off in shock before looking at me. "I'm so sorry."

"We spent almost two years bickering for nothing." I wipe away a traitorous tear hastily. "It's embarrassing that it has come to this."

"Sweetheart, please." My mom rushes over to me and takes my hands in hers with a desperate look. "Just come back with us. Come home."

I see Atticus stiffen from the corner of my eye but when I look over to him he avoids my gaze. However, Vasilia notices this and stares at him for a long moment before glancing back at me. I bite my lip and feel my cheeks burn when her face lights up with a smile. She glances at my promise ring and her eyes light up knowingly which makes me assume that Atticus had told her he was going to give me it on this trip.

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