Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty-Two - Enemies

I open my eyes to bright lights which causes me to flinch. I blink drowsily to adjust before looking around. Then the pain hits me. At some point when I was knocked out I assume Jade had involuntarily shifted back and someone had changed me into clothes. Turns out my right ankle is tied to a heavy chain made of silver and I don't move for fear of wounding my skin. There's the tiniest of windows in the center of a wall to my left which allows the slightest hint of sunlight to filter through. Otherwise the room is freezing cold with nothing but a chair in the corner by a door.

"A-Atticus?" I call into the mind link but it's like both the link and our bond is gone. I can't feel him at all. Instead I feel empty.

I remember Scarlett saying that the pack was attacked which makes me panic. Is everyone alright? Is Atticus alright? Clearly, Scarlett did something to me so that I don't feel the mate bond anymore and not knowing what happened to the pack is causing me so much anxiety on top of my current situation.

However, the silence doesn't last long as the wooden door opens with a creak and my worst nightmare walks into the room. Vincent chuckles darkly at me before the smile on his face disappears. Scarlett walks in after him with her arms crossed over her chest and a deep scowl on her ruby painted lips.

"What the fuck?!" He roars as he looks between Scarlett and I in shock and rage. "She's pregnant with that bastard's child?!"

My eyes widen and I gasp audibly. How the hell am I pregnant?! I think to myself. Sure, I had missed a period and noticed that I put on some weight recently but I didn't pay any mind to it. And then I remember that when Atticus and I had sex on his birthday we forgot to use a condom. How could we have been so careless? Bringing a child into this mess is the last thing I wanted to worry about!

" knew?" I ask quietly and sense her nod.

"I was going to tell you when you went back to the pack house after the mall." She replies with a low whine.

I feel only a shred of happiness over the revelation because it's completely overshadowed by fear. I must protect my baby no matter what happens. I want to see my child and there's no way I'm going to lose him or her because of Vincent. I pray hard in that moment that he doesn't hurt my child now that he's found out. But based on how he thrived off seeing me in pain and misery before I won't be surprised if he takes my baby from me just to hurt me. Just the thought of losing the little life inside of me breaks my heart.

"And that's why I didn't inject her with wolfsbane." She mutters in response before glancing at me with disgust.

"Leave." He snarls and I almost wish she doesn't obey him.

But she walks out of the room and it's just Vincent and I. He's breathing heavily as he walks up to me and I growl in warning when he crouches before me with his eyes narrowed on my belly. He chuckles darkly before shaking his head as he licks his lips. And when he looks back at me I try not to show my fear over the crazed look in his eyes.

"I told you not to open your legs for Bauer and that's exactly what you did, you slut! Did you really think rejecting me was going to stop me?" He sneers and I wince when he digs his nails into my jawline as he grips it harshly.

"You cheated on me! There was no way in hell I was sticking around just to give you heirs!" I snarl before shoving him off me.

"Well, cherish whatever little time you have with that bastard pup in your womb because I'm not going to let it see the light of day!" His laugh echoes in the room as my eyes widen in horror.

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