Chapter 1

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Third POV:
The Giant War had ended 7 months ago and things were finally getting back to normal. Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter we're getting along just fine and the campers were pulling pranks, couples were getting together, but they never stopped training. Never. The new campers were getting trained and everybody wanted to be trained by the best swordsman and hero in 300 years.

When new demigods arrived to camp and they started to get the hang of the godly world, that's when they heard the stories. They heard all of his quests, they looked up to him and when they met him, they were not disappointed. He was caring, kind, a role model, strong, loyal, modest and powerful, but he never looked down at them. Instead he encouraged them to do their best. He was Percy Jackson.

Percy's POV:
It was Monday and I stood by the lake watching the Stoll's latest prank unravel. I was laughing at Drew. It was Neón green and pinned up in rolls. She looked like a clown due to all of the makeup she had on. It finally looked like camp and not a war zone, I was happy about this. It had taken a about 5 five months to burn the last shroud and rebuild what had been destroyed. I smiled as I walked past the Hecate cabin. I could hear Annabeth and Lou Ellen talking together, so I headed towards the door when I heard Lou Ellen chanting and suddenly a blue and black portal appeared and started to swirl like water. Two younger campers were walking by and they were getting pulled in, so I did what anybody would do. I pushed them out of the way and I was getting myself out of the way when I was pulled in. My last thought as I saw Camp Half-Blood disappearing was, 'I hate Monday's.'

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