Chapter 2

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Percy's POV:
When I landed I rolled and dropped into a crouch, just like they all the years of quests had taught me. When I looked up, I noticed that everything looked bigger. Then I looked down and my hands were smaller. "What the Hades?" I mumbled.

I looked up and saw buildings that were ready to crumble down and darkness. People that stared at me weirdly, but kept on walking. "Where am I?" I wondered out loud. I turned around to see a window and I saw my reflection. I groaned. 'Are you kidding me.' I thought. A kid about 8 years old stared back at me. I raised my arm and he raised his arm. I shook by head, making my head even more messier than usual and he did the same. I groaned again.

I wandered around until I found a man that asked, "Kid, are you okay?"

"Yeah," I responded, but my voice was higher.
"Can you tell me where I am?" I asked. He looked at me and I quickly added, "Please."

"You're in Gotham," he said. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I walked away from him saying, "Yeah, thanks."

I walked into the city and the buildings here were nicer, but not by that much. I saw people in cardboard boxes and kids eating food out of trash cans. I stopped by a newspaper stand and read the headline. "The Batman Captures Penguin,"

"Who the Hades is the Batman?" I mumbled. The man running the stand must've heard me because he looked at me strangely before saying, "You never heard of the Bat, kid?" I shook my head and he whistled lowly at that before saying, "I don't know how you don't know this, but he's the vigilante around here."

"Metropolis gets Superman and we get The Bat."

' Whats Gotham and Metropolis?' I thought. 'Well, whatever that is, I have to figure out what to do.'  I was clearly not in New York anymore.

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