Chapter 15

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Percy glanced at the clock as each minute went by. Dick was supposed to be home by now. Key word "Supposed to."

"He better be fighting somebody or I'm goin to crack hi—" Percy mumbled, but was interrupted by a ping!

Percy walked over to his laptop and opened up the file that had just appeared. It was a video, huh, strange.

Dick, or rather, Nightwing, was sitting in a chair with his hands tied to the chair. He was bleeding and had cuts all over him. Percy growled. 'I guess they know about my fatal flaw.'

Percy kept on watching the video until Deathstroke appeared on the screen. He walked up to Nightwing and punched him right on the jaw. Percy clenched his fist.

Deathstroke turned to the camera and said, "If you don't come for him, you'll get his remains in less than a week. And you can trust that it won't be pretty."

Percy glanced at the warehouse before Deathstroke ran his sword through the camera.

Percy stared at the laptop not moving.

He shook his head, scowled, and got up. He got his mortal sword, 2 daggers, and a gun, present from Jason. He went out the door running at speeds that would make Hermes proud.

He ran into the night not looking back once.

Line break

Percy shadow traveled through the shadow until he found the warehouse. Percy silently crept past some of the guards. He knocked out only one who had taken a look at him.

Percy stopped for a minute next to a metal door. A familiar voice rang out. He listened at what was going on inside. "Why do you even want him to come?"

"Word on the street is that you have yourself a boyfriend." He paused, "I gotta say, I never took you for batting for the other team."

Dick snorted, "Why would you know. It's not like we're BFF's." He coughed and then continued, "What do you want with him?"

"We hurt him, we hurt you, it's as simple as that."

I look in through the small glass panel on the door. I could see that Dicks suit was covered in blood. The red stood out from the blue bird part. I feel my mouth turn into a scowl and I take out my mortal sword. It is silver with a black handle.

"Nobody's allowed to touch my boyfriend but me, you son of a Minotaur!" I swipe my blade and he blocks it. He swipes and I block it. He's the only one that's ever been able to keep up with me, it's actually kind of fun. This continues for about 15 minutes until I do the move that Luke taught me all those years ago. The one that nobody's ever been able to do.

It takes him out in a second. His sword clangs on the hard ground and I wave my hands, trapping him in a block of ice. I turn to Dick and say, "You just had to get kidnapped, huh."

He grins, "Where's the fun in living without ever getting kidnapped."

I shake my head fondly and break apart the rope that ties his hands. I wipe the blood off his face and heal him. Then I give him a quick kiss on the lips. "You can call Batman to pick him up, while we head to my house. And sorry for taking so long, I was grabbing my weapons."

He snorted, "Like you need weapons, but it's all good." I grabbed his waist and stepped into the shadows.

Line break

I shadow traveled us to my house and I lay him down on my bed. I stared into his azure eyes. Those beautiful, wonderful, joyful eyes. "I don't like you getting hurt,"

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