Chapter 11

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Annabeth's POV:
It's been 3 months since Percy disappeared into that portal and there have been major floods in Japan, China, and Europe. The Hecate kids have been working on getting him back. Thalia and I too. It's not the same without him here. Playing pranks with The Stolls, complaining when we serve fish, and teaching new campers how to use a sword. Granted, other campers can do that, but it's not Camp Half-Blood without Percy Jackson.

I feel guilty because I accepted godhood without asking him and also because I was the one who asked Lou Ellen to make that portal. The portal that took him away.

We're getting closer though, hang on Percy. You're coming home soon.

Dicks POV:
I couldn't believe that Percy had taken in all those kids. Some even older than him. He had saved them all from a worse fate and he was only 8, when he took them in.

He taught them education, how to fight, life skills and he gave them a home. I was impressed by how the kids defended him. He also taught them to wield a dagger the correct way. Percy really was the kindest person ever. He was perfect.
Line break
When we got home Bruce stopped me at the  door. "You like him don't you?" I froze.

"What are you talking about?" I stuttered. "He's my best friend, besides Wally of course."
I see the way you look at him and I approve." He continues.

"You do?" I repeated surprised.

"He's a good kid." He pauses. "If He hurts you, I'll break his arms." I laugh and sadly say, "He doesn't like me like that."

"Have you asked him?" I stared at my feet.

"Come on, I think Alfred made cookies." I smile and go inside.
Percy's POV:
The next day Emma was up first. She padded into the kitchen while rubbing her eyes. "Hey Percy,"

"Hey Emma, sleep good?"

"Yeah, but I have a question,"


"Are you and Dick dating?" I spit out the milk that I was drinking. "No. What makes you ask that." I stutter. Quickly I wave my hand, making the milk float before dumping it in the sink.

"He was looking at you when you didn't notice and you were doing the same."

I blush and say, "He doesn't like me like that."

She shrugs and then says, "If you do get together and he breaks your heart, you let us all know. I can set him on fire, Jake can shock him, Bryon can punch him hard and the rest can attack him." I smile at that.

"That won't be necessary, but thanks." I go back to finishing my breakfast and wait for the others to wake up.
Time skip
Now that I know Bruce and Dick are Batman and Robin, I hang out at the manor a lot. I met Alfred and he reminds me of Chiron. With the exception of being a centaur, Of course. That's where I was now.

"Percy," Bruce called while walking towards me.

"What's up Batsy?" Dick snickered and Bruce rolled his eyes.

"You never told us what your powers are." He stated.

I shook my head understanding. "You want me to tell you what my powers are, right?" He nodded and I sighed.

"Is there a room where there is nothing breakable?" He motioned for to follow him and I did. We got to a room that had bars and weapons.

"This is the training room."

I nodded and said, "This'll do. Okay, stand back." They did and I started to shift into a tiger. Dick grinned and Bruce just stared. Then I said, "Do you have any metal?"

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