Chapter 13

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Percy's POV:
I woke up in a room that I didn't recognize. It was light blue and bright. Immediately I took out my dagger in one hand and a gun in the other.

I walked slowly into what seemed to be the kitchen. I heard footsteps and I raised my dagger and threw it straight where the sound was coming from.

It hit the wall with a clang. I stopped for a second when a familiar voice desperately called, "Hey, Hey, Percy, it's me Dick."

I calmed down and it took me a moment for it to sink in. "Dick, I'm so sorry. Where am I? And what am I doing here?"

Dick moved away from the dagger embedded in the wall and he walked towards me, his face taking a somber expression on. "Percy, you're in my apartment and you're here because of Kyle." He said that last part quietly.

Slowly the memories of yesterday came rushing back. "That really happened," I muttered quietly while tears started to fall from my face.

"I'm really sorry Perce. I know you loved him." He looked down.

My hand went to my neck where I felt the necklace. "He gave me this just before he died," I muttered, showing him the necklace with the ring.

He frowned and then looked guilty. "He proposed?" He had a disbelieving look on his face.

"No, it's just a promise ring." I stared at it and kept twirling the ring on my finger.

It was quiet for a minute before I spoke up, "Do you have some clothes I could borrow? Mine are stained with his blood."

I wanted to get it off of me. It just reminded me that even though I had powers, they weren't there when I needed them to be.

He got out of his daydream and he nodded, "Yeah, yeah. I'll go get some."

He left the room and 3 minutes later he came back in with a blue shirt, black sweat pants, and comfy blue socks. "Here, you can go shower and change in the bathroom." He pointed towards a door at the right of the hall.

The second that I stepped into the water I felt stronger, but I could still feel the pain. I took my time, taking in the silence. When I got out I changed and the clothes were a little big on me. I didn't bother drying myself off. Instead I kept the water dripping off of my hair. When I went back to the living room I saw Dick on the couch, and when he noticed me he just stared.

I ignored it and I got in next to him and snuggled into his neck and I let the tears fall.

Dicks POV:
The second that I got the call from Kylie about Percy and Kyle, I rushed out of my apartment in Bludhaven and I raced to Gotham.

All I knew was that Kyle was gone. And that Percy needed me. That's all Kylie said. When I got there I came upon the worst sight. Percy was sitting there crying, tears streaming down his face. His chest was heaving and he didn't stop sobbing. It made my heart break. That the man I loved, my best friend, was in pain and I couldn't do anything.

In all of my years knowing Percy, I have never seen him cry. So the fact that he was crying his heart out right now, that meant that he really loved him. I wanted to comfort him, but what was I supposed to say. "Sorry your boyfriend died, but I'm fine with it, because I actually love you."

That wouldn't do. He needed a friend right now, besides if I was going to be with him, I wasn't going to be the replacement.

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When Percy showed me the ring, I was angry and surprised that Kyle had given him a ring. It didn't matter that it was a promise ring, it was still a ring. It was beautiful, even I could see that. It was a gold band with a small trident. Each point of the trident had a sea green gem.

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