Chapter 12

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Percy's POV:
'Holy Hera, I'm doomed' I thought.

I took a deep breath and then opened my mouth. "My name is Perseus Jackson, but everybody calls me Percy."

Batman kept on staring at me, "Want to explain what happened before I lock you up."

Aquaman looked ready to defend me, but I put up my hand to silence him. "Let's sit down and I'll tell you everything."

He sat down at the couch and everybody did the same. Aquaman and Wonder Woman sat on both sides of me.

"I'm from another dimension. Another earth as you might call it. In my world, the Greek and Roman Gods both exist. And so the monsters." Everybody looked shocked and so I continued, "I am the child of a god and a mortal. A demigod or as we call ourselves, half-bloods. My dad is Poseidon, God of Seas. Earthquakes, Storms, and Father of Horses. Which is why Aquaman bowed to me. Because I am technically his prince."

"That monster was the Minotaur. Monsters come after demigods because we smell good to them. Or because they have grudges with our godly parent. There is a camp for us to train to fight monsters. It is one of the few places that is safe. When you arrive there, you find out who your godly parent is. Not all of us have powers. Some have powers that are more noticeable than others." At this i waved my hand and a ball of water appeared in the shape of trident.

"As for how I got here, I saw a blue portal and it pulled me in. I was originally 18, but when I landed in Gotham, I was de-aged to 8. I have been stuck here for the past 6 years." When I finished they all stared at me.

"So you're a demigod and you train to kill?" Batman asked with a disgusted look on his face. Superman also looked angry.

"No." I stated coldly. "I am trained to survive. If you don't learn to protect yourself you die. And besides, the monsters never die."

"What do you mean?" Robin asked, his face had softened.

"Whenever you kill a monster, they always come back. They go to Tartarus and reform there. And when they come back, they hold a grudge with whoever killed them. They attack them and the cycle continues." I add.

"I have been slaying monster since I was twelve," I added bitterly and tiredly.

"When I got here and I saw no monsters, I was so happy." I smiled softly. "I hadn't gotten a break since the Giant War."

They didn't look convinced.

"If you want I can show you some of my life back there." They all looked at Batman and he nodded.

"Is Martian Manhunter going to do it or do you want me to show you?"

Batman looked surprised. "You can mind read?"

I nodded and he said, "Yes, Martian Manhunter will do it first. Then he will show us what you allow us to see."

A few seconds later, I felt a large poke in my head and I knew that he had gotten in. 'You must lower your walls.' He thought. I took down the mental walls that I had worked so hard to build. And once I did everything came rushing out. All of my emotions. Everything that happened to me since the moment I met Grover.

By the time I was finished showing him every detail of my life, his face was streaming with tears. The girl with green skin stepped closer to him. "Uncle John'zz, are you okay?" She tentively asked.

"Get away!" He screamed. "Just stay away for now, please." He kept on wiping the tears, but they just kept on falling. Everybody looked at him, unsure of what to do.

"Give him some space and when he is ready, he will transport you and you will see what I allow you to see." They waited until he had calmed down and then they felt a poke in their brains and they were all inside Percy's memories.

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