Chapter 10

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Percy's POV:
I sat there waiting for his decision for what seemed like forever. After a few minutes he said, "Percy Jackson, you will be let go, but if I ever need your help, you will help me. That being said, you will tell no one Robin and mines secret identity. You will allow me and Robin to check out your family and where you live, to make sure that you mean no harm. And also, I want to know your powers. I know you have some."

"Gee is that all," I said sarcastically. "I agree to these terms, but you will not harm my family and if a portal ever appears, you will inform me because it might be for me." I said that last part seriously.

"Very well, I agree to your terms." He said.

"Can I still hang out with Dick?" I asked hopefully.

"If Dick wants to, then yes." I smiled at that. He looked at me expectantly. "Oh, you want to go see my family, now." He just gave a nod and I said, "Alright then, follow me. Is Dick coming?"


"Just lead me out of this cave and I'll show you the way to my house,"
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Apparently, the BatCave was in the Wayne Manor and its huge, that's all I'm gonna say. It twists and turns at every corner. When we got outside I was ready to scream.

"So we're actually going to your house?" Dicks asks. I wince, "Well, it's not actually my house..."

"Come again," Bruce interrupts. Narrowing his eyes.

"Come on man, I'm a twelve year old kid from another dimension. Give me a break." I look away and see the apartment that I once called home. "Come on," I shake my head to the side and swing myself onto the fire escape. "Hurry up, my family is going to be worried."

They easily climb the fire escape and I open the window. I lead them to my old room and I lift the bed with my super strength. Then I place my palm on the scanner, that I built, and then I recite
"A half blood of the eldest gods
Shall reach 16 against all odds
And see the world in endless sleep
The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap
A single choice shall end his days
Olympus to preserve or raze"

In Ancient Greek. The floor slides open and we go into the tunnels. I follow the directions from my memory. "This is so cool," Dick exclaims.

"Wait, why are we not following the arrows?" Bruce asks.

I wave my hand and say, "If somebody dies manage to get past my security system, then that leads them away from my house."

"Smart," he comments.
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When we get to the door that leads to my house, I place riptide into the position. I smile as the door opens and I go in with Bruce and Dick trailing in after me. I go to the place that has voices.

"He could be hurt," Liam insists.

"He told us to stay and listen to Jake, Bryon, and Caleb." Ruby says

"Besides, he's Percy Jackson, if anyone can get away from kidnappers, he can." Ryan says.

"Yeah, I remember when he saved us from, him," Ashley says.

"I want Percy back," Whimpers Nicole.

"Well look no further, I'm back," I announce with a grin on my face. They all turned and Nicole and Liam tackled me to the ground. The rest of them start towards me, but Caleb, Bryon, Emma, and Jake take out their customized daggers and pretty soon they have them both pinned with daggers at their necks.

"Who are you." Emma demands, changing her voice to cold, but calm. 

Bruce and Dick look towards me and I stand up while I say, "Daggers down guys, they helped me."

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