Chapter 14

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Percy's POV:
He narrowed his eyes while saying, "Perseus, please follow me into interrogation room, you know the way."

I snorted and made my way to it. When i was inside, I put my feet up on the table, just like the first time I was here. "So Batsy, just like the olden days, huh."

Tim was right behind him and he had a confused look on his face. "You haven't told them about me, huh Batsy."

"Well Tim, you're mentor arrested me what, 3 years ago."

He didn't say anything so I continued, "He thought I was a criminal just because I am the Shadow King." I paused and sure enough he started to protest.

"Why isn't he locked up then?" He turned to Batman.

He rolled his eyes and I commented, "Oh look, Batsy has emotions!"

He stared at me and said, "Tim, I'll explain everything later. Now Perseus, I heard you were dating Dick. Is this true?"

I paled. I wasn't sure what Dick and I were, we never discussed it. "We've been going out on dates, yes." I licked my lips.

"Good, good. Now, I just want you to know that if you hurt him, I will hurt everyone you care about, break all of your limbs, see your mouth shut, alive up you penis and nobody will be able to find your body."

I nodded, even though I was screaming in the inside, seriously, "I would never hurt him,"

He nodded satisfied, "You can go now, if you want."

I walked calmly out of there, even though I wanted to run screaming. I headed to my palace and I trained with my powers. I had just finished when I sat down on the couch. I drifted into sleep and into a dream.

I was in my fathers palace, it looked way nicer because it wasn't under attack. My father sat on his throne and he was running his forehead. "Perseus, where are you?" He muttered to the open room.

"I'm right here dad," I called out. He jumped in his throne looking around and when he saw me, he hugged me.

"Where are you?" He asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay and I'm in Gotham, dad. I'm on another earth." His face turned pale and he said, "I've been looking for you,"

I gave a light chuckle and he said, "Where are you staying?"

"Right now I'm staying in my palace in the ocean."

His head shot up and he said, "You have a palace, and you've been staying underwater, for how long?"

"About a few months,"

"Perseus, you must be careful, the longer you spend time in the ocean, the higher chance you have of being turned into— Dang it. I'm being summoned by Zeus."

With one last look he said, "Be careful Perseus,"

I nodded.
Dream ended

When I opened my eyes I was on the couch in my palace, but something was off. I tried to stand up, when I fell face first onto the shell, encrusted floor. 'What's going on?' I wondered.

I tried to get up again when I noticed my feet weren't there. Where my legs should've been, was a tail. A gods damned tail. It was sea green blended in with gold. I rushed to a mirror and sure enough, the tail was staring back at me. Then I noticed my hands had gold rings and I had a golden arm band on each of my arms. They both had a trident in the middle.

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