Chapter 3

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Time skip 1 month
Percy's POV:
It's been 1 month since I got to Gotham and I finally got the hang of how this world works. The first few weeks here I went to the public library everyday learning whatever I could about this world. Athena's blessing had really come in handy there. While I hadn't lost my dyslexia, it had made it more bearable for me. I watched the news and listened around for anything. I learned of the aliens, robots, and meta humans. I learned about the heroes and villains. After getting jumped 5 times my first two weeks, I got myself 3 mortal switchblades and 2 daggers, that I stole from from other people.

I had figured out that I was in a different dimension. Yeah, as in other earths, as in the multiverse theory is real. There was an upside though, to this whole, being on another earth dilema. No monsters. Like none. At all. I could finally walk the streets without watching over my shoulder on the lookout for monsters. I could finally relax.

You're probably wondering where I've been living for the past month. I actually got myself an apartment. Yeah, no I didn't. I found myself an abandoned apartment building in the city. It's temporary though, I know that for sure. Hermes, along with The Stolls would be proud of me. I've been pickpocketing people, but only people who are rich. I make sure of that. I've actually gotten really good.

Right now I was sitting at the top of a building out looking the city. I was afraid to try it at first because of the whole, That's Zeus domain, but there are no gods here. It's amazing, but sometimes I still miss them, because we were actually starting to get along. After the whole you saved Olympus twice, they warmed up to me and both Zeus and Hades let me into their realms. It also helped that some of the gods blessed me after the Giant War. I put my head on my knees, thinking back to that day.

It's been 3 months and the gods had called the demigods in to the throne room. Both Greek and Roman. I was already there, helping some nymphs that lived on Olympus, I had been spending a lot of time there, seeing as my mother and Paul had died in a car crash, so I just headed straight to the throne room. It didn't take the demigods too long, seeing as how the gods just flashed everybody there. "Demigods." Zeus boomed, his voice echoing across the whole room. He was holding his Lightning Bolt as he continued, "We have had two wars in the past year, and we, the gods, could not have won without you all."
"We thank you and we feel that it is fit that the seven of the prophecy get rewards. Will the Seven please come up here to accept your rewards." Jason, Leo, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth and I walked up to face our parents.

"Jason Grace, my son, you are being offered the chance to be a minor god. Do you accept?"Jupiter asked, his form has turned to Jupiter seeing as Jupiter was Jason was a Roman.

Jason looked at Piper before Jupiter said, "The rest of them will also be offered this chance." Piper gave a nod and Jason said, "I accept father." Jupiter then chanted in Ancient Greek and Jason got hit with a beam of yellow light and he fell down. When he stood up you could tell that he was more powerful. "All hail Jason Grace, minor god of the Sky's and Lightning."

That process went on with each Demigod and they all accepted. Piper became the minor goddess of Charmspeaking and Beauty, Leo became the minor god of Fire and Metalwork, Frank became the minor god of Shapeshifting and Weapons, Hazel became the minor goddess of Precious Metals and Magic, and it was finally Annabeth's turn.

"Annabeth Chase, Do you accept godhood?" Athena asked.

"Yes," Annabeth said without hesitating. She went through the same process and then Athena declared, "All hail Annabeth Chase, minor goddess of Architecture." The second that Annabeh accepted, my heart shattered into pieces. She looked so happy and I didn't say a word.

Then my dad proudly said, "Perseus Jackson, you are being given a chance to become a major god and a seat on the council. Do you accept?"

"Thank you for the opportunity, but no." I told him. I heard some gasps from the Romans, so I turned around and saw the Greeks smiling softly, but proudly. I turned to look at Annabeth and she looked disappointed in me, then I looked at the gods and they looked me like they expected this.

"Very well then, you are being given three wishes." Zeus informed me. I didn't even have time to think before I spoke up.
"I would like Hestia and Hades to get their thrones on the council back. I wish for a portal between both camps, and my final wish is that you give everybody who participated in the war immortality."

Zeus sighed and the other gods looked happy at the thought of not having to watch their children die. Zeus waved his hand and two thrones appeared. Hestia and Hades smiled at me they both sat on their thrones proudly. Hera waved her hand and then said, "There is now a portal between both camps." Then each god chanted and all of the campers, nymphs, statyrs glowed bright and a second later they stood there, looking stronger than ever.

"Thank you," I told them all and I turned to leave when my dad called out, "Perseus, wait." I turned to face them and they all nodded before Athena said, "Since you asked nothing for yourself, like we knew you would do, we have decided to allow some gods, but not all, to bless you."

"It's not necessary," I told her politely.

"Just accept the blessings punk." Ares grunted.

"Fine," I kept my hands at my side, "if you must.

Aphrodite came up first and squealed, "Perseus, you can now charmspeak, you are even more handsome, and you also have the ability to make clothes appear out of nowhere." She shot a hot pink beam of light at me and squealed again and stepped to the side.
"You can now summon home cooked meals, give hope, and you also have to ability of fire." Hestia softly told me and she stepped to the side.
"You can now build anything you put your mind to." Hephaestus grunted and stepped to the side.
"You can now sing, shoot a bow and arrow, summon light and be able to heal other people." Apollo proudly announced dancing over to the side.
"You can shadow travel and summon ghosts." Hades said, going back to his throne.
"You can now think better and you will have a less severe dyslexia." Athena told me, only to flash back to her throne.
"You have enhanced strength, better use of weapons, and I take away your curse." Ares grunted, before stalking away.
"You can read minds." Hera stated.
"You can shape shift," my dad told me.
"You are now allowed in my domain and you can also summon lightning." Zeus stated.
After that had all blessed me I felt so much stronger so I said, "Thank you," I turned to finally leave when my dad called out, "All hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon, two time savior of Olympus" The campers repeated it back and I blushed leaving the room.
Flashback ends

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