Chapter 5

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Percy's POV:
It's been weeks since Jake, Ryan, and Liam got here and I've been teaching them all something. Jake now has control over his powers, Ryan and Liam can pick pockets almost as well as me, and I've been teaching them all how to fight. In the short time they been here, We've gotten really close. I learned that Jake and Ryan's mom died leaving them alone with Davy, their stepfather, and that they met Liam on the streets when Liam was getting jumped. They learned about most of my
powers.I decided that it was time for them all to get a weapon just in case. I used the blessing from Hephaestus to make them each a knife and a dagger. I made it so that they can't be detected and I made them so they could be easily hidden. I made Jakes so that it could absorb electricity, just in case. I've also been teaching them how to cook, build simple things, and how to take care of injuries.

Since they couldn't go to school, I taught them from books that I got at the library. I brought the school to them, teaching them what they needed to know and what the wanted to know. I used Athena's blessing for that.  I had also made rooms for each of them.

Time skip
Percys POV:
It's been 4 months since I met Jake,Ryan, and Liam. 2 months ago, I brought 2 girls in, after I saved them from getting raped. 8 year olds Ruby and Ashley quickly bonded with the guys. Then 1 week later I brought in a 6 year old girl named Nicole. She was abandoned on the streets after her parents discovered that she had a limp. I healed her and she stayed with us.  1 month later I found the quadruplets Emma, Jackie, Kimberly, and Jennifer. They were nine year olds. That same month I also found Caleb, Robert, and Bryon. Caleb and Bryon 9, while Robert was 10. We had become a mismatched family. Only Bryon, and Emma has powers. They couldn't control it, so I helped them. Emma has super strength and Bryon has fire powers.

I've been teaching them all what I taught Jake, Ryan, and Liam. The 9 and 10 year olds don't mind that I'm in charge even though I'm younger. That's good, because I'm actually 18.

Line break
We were setting up for the Quads birthday. I summoned their favorite foods, Ashley, Ruby, and Nicole helped put up the decorations. And Caleb, Robert, and Bryon were putting their gifts in the pile. When the Quads came back from park we celebrated them turning 10. They all loved their presents. Only I was left to give their present.

"First of all, I'm so happy that you are all here with me, this present is actually for all of you. I was at the outskirts of town and I found an abandoned house. I noticed that it was getting crowded here, so I figured, if you guys wanted, we could move there. I already fixed it up and don't worry, we will still keep this home, I actually made a tunnel that leads to that house. So, what do you all think." I tensed waiting for their answer and suddenly everybody started to  yell and scream.
"This is the best birthday ever!" Jenifer screamed and they all jumped to hug me. I fell down with the weight of them all on top of me.

"When are we moving?" Caleb asked excitedly.

"Whenever you guys want." Was my response.

And so, we spent that week moving into the house. I had painted it blue and white in the inside while it looks abandoned on the outside, just so nobody gets suspicious. They all had more room to move around and when nighttime came, I took them outside to teach them the constellations. While I was happy at Camp Half-Blood, I was even more happy here. Soon, I started to forget that I was stuck here.

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